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Gavin only got one punch on Ashley before Fred dragged him back. Kenzi had screamed and leaped out of the way, practically tripping on her way over the couch. I stood in the doorway, confused on the nights turn of events.

"Asshole!" Gavin panted, Fred easily restraining him.

"I deserved that." Ashley admitted, rubbing his jaw.

"Why'd you let him in?" Gavin turned his rage to Kenzi.

She held her chin up, "He wanted to talk to Mads and who was I to decide he couldn't?"

"You shouldn't-"

"Guys," I interrupted, all eyes turning to me. "It's okay. Ashley we can talk in my room."

"Mads." Gavin groaned, shaking his head.

Fred shushed him, giving him a reprimanding look as Ashley followed me down the hall. My room was messy, clothes piled in the corner and the bed unmade. My bedside table even had a few empty soda cans and empty bags of chips and I was briefly ashamed of my sloppy room. Then I remembered that Ashley's house was ten times worse.

"I shouldn't have come." He muttered, still nursing his reddened chin and running a hand through his greasy hair.

"Why did you?" I crossed my arms in a defensive posture.

He ran his hands through his hair, "Fuck, like I know. I didn't want to. I just want to forget all about you and your fucking insistent worrying about me."

"Really, you're doing great right now," I say dryly. "Making me feel a lot better."

"Fuck, I'm not good at this shit," He did a little spin before facing me again. "I shouldn't have left you at Morgan's last night. I saw Cassandra and just blanked out; she's important to me and I felt like she needed someone to talk to. And I completely forgot about you and- Fuck!"

I should've stayed mad. I should've shoved him out of the house like Gavin wanted me to do. I just couldn't. I couldn't with the way he looked like he hadn't slept. Not how he had came back for me.

I didn't say anything and opened my arms, catching us as he fell into my body.  We barely touched before he was blindly looking for my lips, his hands yanking at my clothes until I was bare. He stepped back to take me in, whispering something under his breath and then tossing me onto my bed.

It was rough, like always. He came quickly, strangely enough, and fell panting beside me on the bed. I combed my fingers through my sweaty hair, turning my head to stare at him. His lips were parted as he tried to catch his breath, his hands rested on his chest, and his eyes closed.

"Ashley?" I whisper.

He placed a finger over my lips, "Shush, let's sleep."

"It's three in the afternoon."

He turned so he could wrap one leg over me and tucked his arm over my chest, curling into me. I stiffened; he was never this touchy.

The realization that he was on drugs hit me like a train. I thought he had been slowing down, he'd been so good last night. I guess it was a slap in the face, that everything wasn't what it seemed.

"Okay, okay." I finally relent, closing my eyes and shifting so I was comfortable.

"Night, Lexi." He sleepily replied.

I stiffened, I felt as if the imaginary ball had dropped right on my head. Fuck. How messed up was he? I wanted to bang my head and choke myself for being so stupid. I could practically hear Gavin calling me stupid. That Mads, always falling for the boys who would hurt her.

I mean, it wasn't like I actually had feelings for Ashley. I just wanted him to get better. But I also wanted him to know my name and treat me like a human being with feelings. Not just some sex toy.

I fell asleep restless and woke up to the bed shaking. 

"What the?" I mutter, slapping at where the annoyance seemed to originate.

"Hey, sorry, just me." Ashley's rough voice whispered, a hand running over my cheek.

I raise my head and watch in amusement as Ashley hops into his tight jeans, his shirt half on. He had been using my bed pole to steady himself.

"Are you leaving?" I ask, rubbing the sleep boogers from my eyes.

"Uh yeah, was gonna' head over to Jake's house for a barbecue," He leans over and once again pushes the hair from my face, and I try not to read too much into how touchy he is all of the sudden. "You want to come?"

"Do you want me to go?" I fire back.

He smirks and finishes dressing, "I wouldn't be asking if I didn't want you to go. So, is that a yes or no?"

I stretch out, ignoring the way his eyes narrow on my exposed breasts, "What time does it start?"

"About an hour ago," He sits on the end of the bed, lacing up his boots. He gives me a sexy smile. "I always show up fashionably late."

"Wonderful," I grumble and roll out of bed. "Let me find some clothes and make up."

"Or you can just wear that." He suggests.

"Oh definitely, let me just welcome your friends to my nudist way of living."

"I like it."

I roll my eyes and smile, grabbing a romper from off my closet floor and slipping it on. Ashley's good side comes and goes so quickly that in the short time I've known him I've learned to enjoy it while it lasts. 

"Ready!" I chirp, putting rings on as I skip back into my room. 

Ashley sat up from laying on my bed and grabbed my hand, leading me out of the room. Kenzi, Gavin, and Fred simultaneously looking at us. Gavin looked ready to murder both of us and Fred merely gave his trademark crooked smile. Kenzi looked a mixture between proud and angry, as if her inner slut was struggling with cheering over my success to get some dick and angry over who gave it to me.

"Where are you going?" Gavin demanded, Kenzi rolling her eyes and pausing their horror movie.

"I'm going to a barbecue," I explain, Ashley not allowing me to stop and actually speak. His survival instincts were probably telling him to get the hell out of dodge. "I'll be home tonight. Love ya!" I call out before the front door closes.

Ashley laughs and helps me get into the passenger side of his truck, "Your friends hate me.

"What gave it away? Gavin punching you?"

"Nah," He snorts, rolling his eyes and driving into the main street. "I think it was more of the imaginary daggers that he was using to kill me."

"Well, at least you got out without another hit to your face. I'm excited for the barbecue."

"Oh yeah, your other half is there."


"Of course. But the babies are being babysat by Morgan's mom so no twins."

"That's okay. I just need my daily Morgan dose and I'll be good."

Ashley pouts, "You're only using me to get at Morgan."

"Damn, I've been caught."

He laughs and shakes his head and I wish that I could stay in this moment for the rest of my life.

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