Birth of a Diclonius

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Elfen Lied or Bungo Stray Dogs

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Elfen Lied or Bungo Stray Dogs

In a hidden cave near the outskirts of Konoha, Minato stands next to his wife while she screams her head off giving birth to their child while the seal on her stomach bulges. "This hurts so much dattebayne!!" She screams out while holding into the metal bars tightly while Minato looks at her with worry and concern. "There's so much blood will she be alright?" Minato asked the mid wife who is the third hokage's wife. "Don't worry about her she's a strong woman she can handle it." She tells him while Minato puts his hand on the seal doing everything he can to make sure the Kyuubi doesn't break free.

For when a female jinchuriki gets pregnant their seals weakened and there is a chance that the tailed beasts inside them will break free so because of that Minato was with his wife helping her and staying by her side watching over the seal. "Naru you come out and Kyuubi you stay in." Minato thinks to himself with a serious look on his face.

They were originally going to name their child Naruto after the character in his sensei's book however when they learned that their child is gonna be a girl instead they had decided to name her Naru instead which Kushina thought was very adorable. Finally the whole cave was filled with infant like cries as the midwife takes their baby and cuts umbilical cord and cleans her off and etc however she quickly noticed something. "Oh it seems your daughter most likely has a new bloodline." The midwife told them making both parents confused as she shows them their child and they were shocked to see that their newborn daughter has two cat ear like horns growing out of her head.

She also had pink hair and red eyes and pale skin and adorable whisker like birth marks on her cheeks. She could easily pass off as a Haruno but they knew better as Minato and Kushina didn't care how she looked horns or no horns she was their daughter and they love her with all their heart.

"I'm so glad to meet you Naru." Kushina says to her daughter with a kind and loving motherly smile on her face. Minato cries tears of joy feeling the same as his wife the midwife begins to carry their daughter away while Minato smiles lovingly at his wife. "Thank you Kushina." Minato says to her in a loving tone thanking the woman who had helped make him a father and has made his dream come true in starting a family.

Minato then rolls up his sleeves and gets ready to fix the seal when suddenly screams could be heard and he and Kushina turn and stare at the horrifying scene before them the people who had helped them bring their daughter to the world lies on the ground dead and their newborn daughter was in the arms of a man wearing a mask with one eyehole. "Fourth hokage if you don't back away from the jinchuriki then your  daughter will die at the ripe age of 1 second." The man threatens and shows how serious he is by holding a kunai close to her chin as his daughter was crying helplessly in his arms. "Naru!!" Kushina yells out in despair. "Hey let's take it easy and stay calm." Minato says to the man who then chuckles in a mocking manner.

"You should take your own advice fourth I am calm." He says to him as Minato glares at him. "What do you want?" Minato asked him making the man chuckle even more and Minato could see a red eye glowing through the one eye hole and knew right away this man is a Uchiha.

"Oh it's all part of my fun plan to destroy Konoha." He says to him making Minato scowl but then his eyes widen in horror when the man throws his daughter in the air and Minato uses the flying thunder god jutsu to save her. The moment he caught her he noticed that her blanket had explosive tags attached to it so he threw the blanket aside and shielded her from the explosion.

Afterwards Minato goes to his safe house and lays his daughter down in a crib and covers her up so she won't be cold. "Naru I'll be right back, I'm going to go save your mother now." Minato says to his daughter gently and heads towards the location where that man took his wife.

When he arrived he found to his horror the Kyuubi was freed from Kushina's seal and was now under the control of the man who had just threatened his family. The masked man ordered the Kyuubi to kill Kushina but Minato jumps in and saves her as he sees how weak she is already and knew that soon she was going to die breaking his heart.

Minato takes her back to their home and lays her down next to their daughter as he goes outside to deal with the Kyuubi. A few hours later Minato had just saved his wife and child from nearly getting crushed to death by the Kyuubi after freeing it from the masked shinobi's control.

Minato frowns the Kyuubi was causing so much destruction as he knew there was only one way to stop it....but he couldn't ask for another parent to sacrifice their own child so he decided to do what needed to be done. When he told Kushina about his plan she looked shocked and horrified but he told her that he will sealed a piece of their own souls inside of Naru so when the time comes they could see her.

Minato began to make the preparations as he creates a barrier to stop the third hokage interfering he then uses the forbidden jutsu Reaper Death Seal and summons the shinigami to help seal the Kyuubi away.

When Kurama realized what they were planning he tries to kill her with his claws however he quickly senses something off about her as he realizes this baby was actually a human baby and was going to pull his claws away however before he could Naru's parents shields her with their own bodies.

Afterwards they complete the seal and Kurama smirks as his chakra was split from Yin to Yang, as his Yin half was sealed inside of Naru and Minato sealed the Yang half inside of himself. "So it's finally done." Kushina says weakly smiling a sad smile as Minato weakly nods his head smiling too. "Naru chan, life is gonna be very hard for you in the future so please listen to me don't let anyone get to you and no matter what people say about your horns please remember we love you please don't be a picky eater take a bath every day and don't drink until you're 20 and find yourself a dream and work towards it and also when you fall in love find yourself a man like your father and if you see a pervert named Jiraya kick him where the sun don't shine." Kushina says making Minato chuckle.

"Naru chan, listen to your blabber mouth mother okay....and just know no matter what happens we love you with all our hearts." Minato says to her lovingly trying to be brave for his daughter as well as they both passed away.

The Shinigami stares at the dead bodies silently and then turns his attention to Naru. "Naru Uzumaki the first diclonius to be born....I look forward to see how you grow young lady." Shinigami says and disappears as the barrier comes down and Hiruzen walks over to Naru who was in between her dead parents who were both holding her close to them protectively as Naru was crying her little heart out.

Hiruzen just like Minato and Kushina was shocked to see that she has horns growing out of her head. "What are those? Are those horns? She must be a demon." A few shinobi says but quickly shut up when Hiruzen sent them a icy glare and holds the baby girl in his arms and walks away as he knew that life is not going to be easy for her especially with the horns growing out of her head.

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