Breaking Point

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Elfen Lied or Bungo Stray Dogs

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Elfen Lied or Bungo Stray Dogs

13 years later Naru has been treated worst than the plague because of her horns and because of her status as the nine tailed fox jinchuriki. However despite that she had proven to be a shinobi prodigy and had graduated the academy at the age of 11 which unfortunately made a few of her ex classmates jealous of her and that jealousy got worse after she became a chunnin.

She had grown into a beautiful girl with long pink hair that went down her back with some of her bangs covering her left eye and she wore black kimono top with short sleeves and a purple obi tied around her waist and she wore black shorts underneath it and on her feet were black ninja sandals and she wore her ninja headband around her neck like a choker as it has a black cloth.

She even wore black and purple striped fingerless gloves that stopped at her elbows and on her back was a katana her body had fantastic curves and she had C cup breasts and red eyes and adorable whisker like birth marks on her cheeks as her horns were always showing. Today she was asked to go on a few D rank missions with her ex classmates who are now genin they are Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno and Hinata Hyuga and they were her bullies.

All three of them enjoyed picking on her every chance they get and coming up with new creative ways in making her life miserable. However she had one thing that kept her sane and that was a dog that was given to her as a birthday present for her seventh birthday by a man who was like an older brother to her his name was Shisui Uchiha but he died a few weeks after he gave her the puppy which broke her heart since she felt so sad and lonely again.

"Hey freak, you missed a spot." Sakura yells out and spills milk on the table as they were asked to help clean things up in a restaurant since the owner had threw out their back and needed someone to clean things up and etc.

However Naru was left alone with the cleaning. Hinata and Sasuke smirk as Hinata tripped her and Naru fell to the ground and they began laughing and poking fun at her making Naru clench her fists in anger. "I'm so sick and tired of this....I hate everyone...I hate this village." Naru thinks to her in anger and bitterness she wasn't sure how much more she could take. "Well then you should just kill them." A voice says to her making her eyes widen at that. Kill them? Her could she really? Naru frowns at that no she couldn't possibly because she would end up proving everyone that they are right about her that she's a demon.

She used to pull pranks on the villagers to get back at them for treating her badly but nowadays that wasn't enough for her. She was sure she was going to break soon. "Hey what are you three doing?!" Kakashi demanded and glares at his three students angrily. "What we didn't do anything sensei it was an accident." Sakura says trying to defend themselves but Kakashi wouldn't hear it. "No excuses you three know what you did!! I saw everything you three stay behind and clean up and finish up this mission I will report this to the Hokage about this soon after." Kakashi tells them coldly making them pale but all three of them glares at Naru as if it was all her fault.

Kakashi then helps the poor girl up and Naru smacks his hand away. "Don't touch me." Naru says and gets up and walks out of the restaurant making Kakashi look sad and guilty. He knew if his sensei was still alive he'd be very disappointed in the villagers for pushing his daughter to this point. Kakashi was honestly impressed that she hasn't snapped yet although he knew she was close to breaking soon he also felt guilty because he felt he wasn't there for her much either.

Fifteen minutes later Naru was walking her dog with a smile on her face his name was Yuijin which meant friend in Japanese. She named him that because he was her first and only friend. Naru giggles as she walks with him in the forest nearby however while doing so she gets cornered by Sasuke and Sakura and Hinata.

They all smirk and smile evilly at her. "We've been looking everywhere for you freak."Sasuke says to her with an arrogant smirk on his face. Naru glares at him and her beloved companion barks and growls at them.

Before Naru could even ask or tell them to go away Hinata holds her back and Sakura holds her dog down and Sasuke smirks and grabs a rock. "This will show you not to disrespect your betters freak." Sasuke says mockingly and evilly and before her eyes they began to beat her friend to death with a rock right in front of her making her scream and cry eventually her friend stopped moving and had died as something inside her snapped.

For years she had these strange dreams of these arms that could reach higher than her normal arms she didn't know what it meant but every time she had these dreams she wake up and find handprints all over her room and in her apartment which she found very strange.

Suddenly blood splatters all over the place and Hinata's now headless body falls to the ground causing both Sasuke and Sakura to stare at Naru with fear as she uses her vectors to kill them.

A few hours after killing them she had buried Yuijin as she stands up and takes her hiate off and puts a slash through it showing she was now a missing nin as she was putting the headband back on Hiruzen and a few anbu showed up and he looked at her with fear and sadness. "Naru what have you done?" He asked her making her turn to him and he felt his heart break when he sees her eyes were cold and uncaring.

"I just finally had enough of being pushed around by these filthy primates....I will no longer allow myself to be anyone's punching bag again nor will I allow myself to trust another person again." Naru says to him coldly and emotionlessly and the Anbu attacked her Naru draws her sword and brings out her vectors and using them she was able to dodge them easily grabbing a hold on the tree branches and she was able to easily kill the Anbu much to Hiruzen's horror. Naru stood on a tree branch and glares down at the third hokage coldly and she escapes once she was gone Hiruzen falls to his knees the dead bodies around him while guilt crushes his heart.

"Minato, Kushina please forgive me for not protecting Naru good enough from this living Hell." Hiruzen says crying to himself knowing he has no one else but himself to blame as he could only pray the body count is low.

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