Opal Wilson: Overthinking With Doubt

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"Hey, Sammy. Do you think we're friends in every universe?" I said to Sammy. He has been there for me since day one. That's what I can remember at least. Our moms knew each other. Well, they were best friends actually. So after he and I were born, they thought it would be a great idea if we both were best friends too. In my mind at the time, it was nothing much but arranged. Now, everything feels different. Someone who once was "Just an arranged friend", was now someone I call when I'm crying, smiling, or just bored. Sammy was there for all of it.

After I had realized that, I started to have a bit of a crush on Sammy. I would tell all my friends how lucky I was, but I was unsure if he even felt the same way. Although everyone I had told that to said that he definitely did like me back. "Just by the way he looks at you." They would say. I never believed them, though. And that led me to try and stop having feelings for him. I started looking at him with resentment and doubt. I started over analyzing everything he did for me. Just to see where or when he could mess up or where he would say things that he would always say. After all, he probably only did this for the popularity.

We were widely known throughout our school for being "the cutest couple" even though we weren't dating. Now that I think of it, we actually gained a ton of profit from it. We made it into the yearbook, got to have basically the same schedule, and made all of the staff fond over us. We were everything that everyone wanted. This is still nothing but arranged. I'll keep telling myself that, at least.

"Opal, of course we are. In every universe we will be friends. And even if I don't know you, I'll still be your friend. I swear." Sammy smiled at me, I smiled back. What a sweet answer. I wonder if he actually means it. I forced a happy tone so I didn't sound sarcastic, "Y'know, I think so too then!"

We continued to chat, not about being friends in the same universe though. About school work. I wanted to talk about something else. Preferably something about us, but that would ruin the moment I suppose. Sammy started talking about what one of his friends, Elias Murphy and his brother Trevor Murphy were going to hang out after school.

"Wait, is that Catherine?" I said suddenly. "Where?" Sammy turned his head to see where she was. "Over there–", Low and behold, Catherine Robbins running towards us with a wide smile on her face.

"Oh my gosh! Hi lovelies, not a lot of time for chit chat. Lunch is ending soon and we need to get back to school." She always spoke really really quickly. It seems like anything she says doesn't have enough time to be heard. Catherine grabbed my hand and started running. Sammy followed behind us, trying to keep up. We ran all the way into our school's cafeteria where everyone was getting ready to go to their 6th period. Catherine waved us goodbye as she started to head to her class. Now it was just me and Sammy again.

I grabbed my backpack leaning on the side of the wall and waited for Sammy to catch his breath. "Are you ready to go?" I asked. He slowly nodded and started to walk slowly. He was never really a runner. Well, he's not really an athletic person at all. I don't mind that much, I guess.

But I still loved him. Or is it that I still love him? I'm not sure anymore.

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