Catherine Robbins: Classes and Messes

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I ran outside, trying to find that one couple. Well what I mean by that is Sammy and Opal. Two out of the ten best friends I have. Wait actually I don't think they're dating...yet. But that ain't my problem so I'll continue.

We aren't allowed to eat outside during lunch but those two never listen and go anyway. I personally think it's because that's the only alone time they have with each other so no one ever really bothered to interrupt them. Except for me that is.

My task that Opal assigned me was that everyday before 6th period starts, to get her and Sammy inside the school. Pretty simple and doable, so I took it. Opal is my friend after all. Anything for my friends.

I ran outside and dragged both of them towards the school. I ran as fast as I could so we wouldn't be late. That was something I didn't do last semester. We all got in trouble but the teacher gave us a pass. "Now that that is done, I can head to my 6th period.", I thought.

As I walked to my 6th period, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw two of my other friends. Julie and Shelley.

Julie Tucker never had a good home life, I would know, she told me. Not other than that, I saw it for myself too. Her home is really big but no one is ever actually at home. Her father is an owner of a company and her mother only ever comes to the house to sleep with other men. After that, she goes to the man's house and a week or two later she brings another man back. Julie basically raised herself, she doesn't exactly have anyone to go to expect for me or Opal.

And then there's Shelley Patton. Such a talented, sweet girl. Shelley has always been a ray of sunshine, well until a few months ago. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but I do know it changed her whole personality. She used to be very happy around others, always laughing over stupid things. Now she just always looks tired and sad...I remember once she told me something. I think it went like "I know I'm loved, but why do I feel so alone." And before I could say anything Sammy and Opal came along and started talking. Poor Shelley to be honest. I feel so bad but I'm not sure how to say that to her face.

"Hey guys! Ready for Ms. Coles?" I said to them, smiling. Shelley nodded and Julie shook her head. "Is everything ok, Julie?"

"No. I'm so tired and I feel like I'm about to have a panic attack. I stayed up all night finishing that project we had but I just realized I was so focused on the project I didn't do my homework."

Julie was always a fast talker, especially when she's stressed about something. I don't think I've actually seen her smile for an entire day before. There was always something to ruin it, and today it was homework. Shelley patted Julie's back as we continued walking to class.

"It's ok Ju, I'm sure we'll have time to do homework in Ms. Cole's class." Shelley said as she tried to comfort her. Julie continued to stress out but nodded at her statement. At that moment I felt proud for Shelley. I was the person in the friend group who comforted people. Well also this other guy named Elias Murphy.

We turned a corner and then entered Ms. Coles' classroom. The lights were dimmed as always while fairy lights hung around the bulletin board. The air in her room was always sweet scented. Sometimes it smelled like cookies and sometimes it smelled like summer's rain. All three of us took a seat in the back of the class and set our backpacks down. I walked over to Julie and hugged her tight.

"Everything will be alright, ok? I'm sure Ms. Coles will give us a study hall time." I reassured her. Julie took a few deep breaths and then sat down at her desk. She took out her homework. Shelley sat down at her desk and started writing in her planner. I smiled at both of them and then made my way to Ms. Coles. She was sitting at her desk, typing something into her computer. "You need something, sweetheart?" She stopped typing and looked at me. I nodded, "So Julie has been going through a lot of stress and I was wondering if we can just have a study hall for intervention?"

Ms. Coles thought about it for a while. "I don't see why not. I heard there was a big project due today too! Let's give a chance for everyone to finish."

"Thank you Ms. Coles!" I hurried over back to my desk and took a seat. Ms. Coles stood up and hushed the class to be quiet. Julie was still writing on her homework and Shelley was now reading a book.

"I've decided that today should be a study hall for the full class period. I noticed that there is also a project due and I want to give everyone a chance to finish that up.", She said in a warming voice. All of the students cheered or were saying thank you. Julie looked up at the teacher and then me. "Did you have something to do with this?" She mouthed at me. I only shrugged, acting dumb. Shelley looked up, confused at the sudden commotion. I gave her a silly face, she giggled and went back to reading her book.

"Alright now, get to work before I take it back." Ms. Coles walked back to her desk. Julie then started to write slower, there was no need to rush. I let out a sigh of relief. My job was done. I could rest now. I slowly laid my head on the desk and closed my eyes.

"I wonder if things would be the same if I wasn't here." I thought.

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