Sam Wallace: Sugar and Honey

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I walked to my first period with, guess who? Opal of course. She held my hand tightly as we walked. Catherine talked loudly beside her. We were walking to history class, Ms. Miller. I think she knows about me and Opal, but she doesn't really care like the other teachers. She did always let us sit next to each other, with the promise that we won't mess around too much. When we got there, the classroom was still empty. That's how all classes are in the morning. Most students complain and don't want to go to their classes so they stall in the bathroom or cafeteria.

Opal let go of my hand and went to our table. She ran to our other friend and gave her a big hug. I chuckled and went to our table to put my stuff down. Catherine joins in on the hug as they all giggled about something.

If I'm going to be honest, I never felt so in love. Never in my whole life would I have thought that Opal would love me this much. Well I mean, she hasn't directly said it to my face but I like to think that she does love me. She's held my hand before and texted me good morning and goodnight before, and so much more. Although sometimes it does feel like she's leading me on. But if I think that way, I'll fall out of love. So is it better for me to just wait for her? Well I mean of course I'd wait for her. She's one of the sweetest girls ever. Sweet as sugar and honey combined.

They all eventually sat down at our table, chit chatting about how they missed one another. I sat next to Opal. Catherine sat in front of me, next to Jasmine Bell. She's a decently nice girl. I don't talk to her much outside of this class though. Catherine and Opali love her though. Which, I won't stop them from doing. Usually I don't talk much, with the whole table group being just girls and me. The only boy. I only make small comments here and there and listen in when it's Opal telling us some drama that she overheard. As they talked, more people started to come into the classroom. Yawning, complaining, and laughing. The warning bell rings as a few of the remaining students enter the classroom.

Ms. Miller speaks up, "Alright now, quite up before the morning announcements!" Everybody started to be quiet. Soon afterward, the morning announcements came on. "Good morning students and teachers. Please stand up for the pledge. If you are in the hallway please stop walking to pledge the flag." I never really liked pledging the flag. It felt weird and out of place to do so. Why do we need to do this to a flag? I would never know. After the pledge was done, our principal continued, "Welcome to the second day of school during the second semester. We hope that you will take advantage of our grades resetting. That's all. Have a good day!"

The class started to have an uproar of chatter again. Ms. Miller immediately hushed the class. "There isn't time to be laughing and goofing around. We have a test this Friday. Although it isn't a major grade, I would like you to do well on it." She said in a stern-heavy voice. The class got quiet again. "Now then, take out your textbooks and read pages 350 to 355. Go." Everyone scrambled to get their textbooks out so they wouldn't get in trouble. Which was likely, knowing that Ms. Miller can't take obnoxious students.

For the rest of the class, it was silent. People tried to concentrate on their textbooks as well as they could–some didn't. The ones who didn't had to stay after class. (Could never be me).

The bell rang and everyone started to pack up. I think 2 or 3 of the students stayed behind because they got in trouble. I don't know, I wasn't paying much attention. Opal held my hand as we walked out, Catherine trying to squeeze in next to her. This was the norm for us. I can't imagine something different.

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