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y/n's pov

I was currently getting ready to go out with my best friends jayda and eli. I was finishing up my hair as I had already picked out an outfit and did my makeup.

eternal sunshine by ariana grande was currently blasting through my speaker as I got ready

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eternal sunshine by ariana grande was currently blasting through my speaker as I got ready. There was a knock on the  bathroom door "alexa pause, come in baby". In walked my girlfriend with a smile on her face until her eyes scanned my body.

"nope". I looked at her puzzled "nope?" I said questioning her random ass response. "your outfit". She said scanning me up and down her eyes stopping to admire certain features.

"what about it, don't i look cute baby?" She walked closer to me placing her arms around my waist, her head resting in the crook of my neck, as she placed soft kisses on my neck. My gay ass would usually crumble at this point but not this time, I knew her motive was to get me to stay home and it wasn't working this time. I began playing into her little game. Turning around in her arms. I moved my head down so my lips were right next to her ear "is someone jealous". I said smirking and she shivered as my breath hit her neck.

She pulled my chin, connecting our lips in a soft kiss "so what if I am"? She asked pulling me back in, our tounges fighting for dominance as the kiss got heated. She picked me up, placing me on the counter. Neither of us pulling away as she moved closer to me standing between my legs. She began kissing down my neck, knowing my soft spot and immediately sucking on it, causing me to let out a moan. As she made her way down to the part of my chest that was exposed, my phone began to ring. I pulled my body away and picked it up, sky groaning in frustration.

It was jayda, she was here to pick me up to go out. "baby jayda is here so I have to go now". Sky wrapped her arms around my waist burying her head in my chest "baby, why do you have to look so good right now, maybe you should tell your friends that you can't go, say you got sick or something".

"Baby, it will be fine, im gonna go out for a few hours, and then I'll come home and you can have me all to yourself". I said with a smirk, placing a kiss on her lips. She pulled away pouting "okayyyy, have fun and be safe, text me when you make it safely too, I love you". I smiled getting off of the counter "ofc baby and I love you too". I grabbed my bag, sky grabbing my hand and leading me to the door. I reached to open it when she pulled my waist, pulling me to face her. "one more" she said kissing my lips. "I'll see you later and remember please be safe" she said. I smiled at her "bye baby, and yes I will be safe". I opened the door, jayda honking "heyyy bitchhhh, hiiii sky". I laughed "heyyyyy". Sky greeted my friends as I got into the car.

Jayda placed her hand out in front of me, I looked at her confused as hell "you have the best playlist, so therefore you have to be aux". I laughed, connecting my phone and playing my going out playlist, 97 by doja cat began blaring through the speakers and we were off.

time skip to after the night

Jayda had just dropped me home, I waved to my friends before unlocking the door and stepping inside. A smell hit my nose and I recognized it almost instantly. Sky was smoking without me, how rude. I walked into our room to see the sliding glass doors were open. I placed my bag on our bed and took my shoes off, slipping on my uggs and walking onto our balcony.

I was met with my girlfriend sitting on the couch we had outside, a joint in one hand and her phone in the other. I guess she had felt my presence because she looked up from the video she was watching "hiii baby, how was your night ?" She said patting the space next to her. I walked farther onto the balcony, sitting next to her and pulling the blanket she had up over my body. "it was fun, but I missed you". I said placing a kiss on her jawline.

She smiled, looking at me "I missed you too, even though you were only gone for a couple hours, I couldn't wait til you got home". She said smirking, gesturing toward the joint asking if I wanted some. I moved my lips to her hand, letting them graze her fingers, and took it from her. The smell of weed was strong and the sexual tension was thick.

After I took a few hits, I handed it back to her before, sitting up and straddling her lap. She looked up at me as I leaned in kissing her, moving my hand up her side. "So what was that you said earlier about having you all to myself". She said as she began placing kisses on my neck, I was definitely going to need concealer tomorrow.

"mmmm I don't really remember, maybe you could remind me". She made her way to my chest, my head falling back, my body heating up with pleasure. Sky stoop up, picking me up with her and carried me into our room, shutting the door behind us just in case we couldn't be quiet.

She placed me down, sky topping oh this was going to be good. "mmmm someone's feeling confident" I said referring to her being a top. She glared at me playfully "mmm not too much, you love it". I hummed in response, she got me there. She leaned in kissing my lips, our tongues fighting for dominance. Sky began kissing down my neck, reaching behind me to unzip my top as she made her way down to my chest. Oh we were are not getting any sleep tonight.

a/n yall this woman is TOO fine 🙇🏽‍♀️

a/n yall this woman is TOO fine 🙇🏽‍♀️

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