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(ANYTHING she wants 🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️^^)

y/n's pov

I was currently sitting backstage with my best friend jayda, while sky was in hair and makeup getting ready for her show tonight. It was her first time doing a tour and tonight she was starting in new york.

I was so excited to see her perform live. She worked so hard on her ep and so hard preparing for this tour, and I know she is excited to share this experience with her fans and I was so happy to get to witness it all.

"i'm lowkey hungry". I said having not eaten since this morning because we had been at the venue all day. "There is a taco bell down the street you wanna walk there?". My best friend said, I contemplated for a second, was I in the mood for taco bell, when was I not in the mood for taco bell let's be real "yea let's go, im in desperate need of a chicken quesadilla". Jayda laughed "me as fuck with the crunch wrap".

I headed to the room where sky was getting ready and knocked on the door. "Come in" I heard my girlfriend say from inside. I opened the door, walking in "hi baby, jayda and i are going to Taco Bell and i just wanted to know if you wanted anything". I walked over to the chair she was sitting in "can i get a baja blast and some of the nacho fries please". I kissed her lips "of course baby, we should be back before m&g starts".

We said goodbye and then headed out of the venue. I opened the main doors and saw that the line of fans had started. Once they started noticing that we had walked out of the door, some started whispering and pointing. They were so cute, trying to be polite and not bring too much attention but also wanting to say hi.

I decided to make some of their days and say hi to them. "Wait jay let's say hi to some fans first". I grabbed my bsfs hand and we walked over starting at the front of the line.

I walked up to the group of fans "hi guys, are you guys excited for tonight".
They all excitedly nodded their heads, "yes we love skys music so much". I smiled at how cute they were. "And you are so pretty, you and sky are such couple goals". Omg they were so sweet. "Awww i love you guys so much can we take a picture together so i can post it in my Instagram dump for tonight". I grabbed my phone and everyone stood behind Jayda and I, I took a cute little 0.5 picture, and then said bye to the fans so we could head to Taco Bell.

Jayda and I were walking to the Taco Bell "so valentines day is coming up next week do you and towa have anything planned". I said to my best friend "yeah we are going out for dinner, how about you and sky?". She said with a smirk like she knew something I didn't, Sky hasn't mentioned anything to me so as of now I assumed we were just gonna spend the day together "we haven't talked about it yet so I don't know but we are probably just gonna go out for dinner too".

After about 10 minutes of walking we finally made it to Taco Bell. We ordered way too much, but it's ok knowing our fat asses we will probably eat it all. I got sky a quesadilla as well knowing that she would probably want some of mine since she didn't eat since breakfast and she loved stealing my food.

We walked back to the venue and went inside to devour the feast we had. We got to skys dressing room and she was inside, finished with her hair and makeup and just waiting to do the m&g. She had about 30 minutes so we all decided to just chill and eat.

We had finished eating and Sky's manager had come to bring her to the m&g, Jayda and I decided to tag along cause why not.

They had it set up in one of the back rooms. Jayda and I stood to the side and sky stood in front of the backdrop. "Girl I don't know how we do this, it takes some form of sanity to date a hot person who many people can just meet and who they find attractive". I laughed, she was lowkey right "yeah it is weird when you think of it, but hey they chose us so we must be the hottest out of everyone".

Sky met fans and took pictures for about an hour before we headed back to the green room to chill before the show started. Sky had soundcheck and 2 interviews to do so it was just me and Jayda. I decided to take a nap since Ive had a headache for most of the day.

After what felt like a 10 minute nap, I was awoken by Jayda lightly shaking me "it's time for the show, are you feeling any better". To be honest I wasn't my head was pounding and I was lightheaded. But it was skys first show and we came to watch her perform, so I didn't care that's what I was going to do.

I slowly opened my eyes, the light being bright as hell. "Hey towa, Hey nae" I said seeing that Jayda's girlfriend towa and one of our best friends renee had also arrived to come support sky, and also join us at the after party. Towa hugged me "hey y/n/n". Renee hugging me next and handing me a bottle of medicine, " I picked this up on my way Jayda told me that you weren't feeling too well".

I smiled, thanking her before downing 2 of the pills with the rest of my drink, before we all headed to the side of the stage to watch sky perform.

Once we got there, I walked over to sky who was getting mic'd up. "Hi baby". She looked up smiling, leaning in to place a kiss on my lips "Hi honey, are you feeling better". She said, placing her hands around my waist, I leaned into the hug, placing my head on her shoulder "not really but I will be fine, renee brought me some medicine, so hopefully it kicks in soon". I pulled away placing a kiss on her lips "and I am so excited to see you perform, you are going to do amazing". She smiled "thank you baby, I love you". She leaned in kissing my lips "I love you too". I said before she walked over to the side of the stage, getting ready to go on. I stood next to my friends as the lights dimmed and the crowd erupted in cheers.

Sky had been on for about 15 minutes of her set, she was currently performing Breakup Song, and I started getting a little light headed. My legs started feeling weak and I stumbled back a little, renee caught me thank god "y/n are you ok?". I nodded lightly, my head hurting with any movement. "Yeah im fine nae, just lost my balance". She didn't believe me and put her arm around my waist, just in case I lost my balance again.

Sky was talking to the crowd, when I felt my knees go numb, the last thing I saw was renee grab me and towa jump behind me and then everything went black.

My eyes shot open, quickly closing because the lighting in the green room where I now was, was bright as hell. I looked over to see renee, towa and jayda sitting across from me. "what happened". I said slowly sitting up. Renee quickly rushed to help me sit up "you passed out babe, here try drinking some of this water, have you been drinking water recently?". Renee said handing me a water bottle. "Honestly thinking about it no".

"Well then you are probably dehydrated". Jayda said, suddenly the door to the green room was thrown open, and a concerned looking sky came rushing in "omg baby, are you ok?". I smiled lightly at how cute she was, pausing her show to make sure I was ok. "im dehydrated so I passed out, I just need to rest and drink water and I'll be fine". She came over and sat next to me. "i can stop the show and we can go back to—". I grabbed her hand "no baby, you don't have to stop the show, I'm fine I'm not dying, this is your first show and your fans have been waiting for this for a long time, I'm not gonna do that to them or you because I know you were excited for this". She smiled "I know but you and your health come before anything". I placed a kiss on her lips "I'll be ok, I promise". Towa chimed in "we will make sure she rests sky and we will take good care of her". Sky nodded "ok but if you need ANYTHING don't hesitate to ask, one word and I'll stop the show ok". I smiled at her "ok".

She got up and headed back to the stage to finish the show. We all decided it would be best for me to stay and rest. I told the others I would be fine but they insisted on staying with me. My head was pounding still so I decided to nap until the show was over.

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