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y/n's pov

I didn't have class today, so i decided to sit in my room and rot in bed. I had done some homework earlier so I was being productive but now making tik toks was what I'd come to. I had seen this trend of people making fake calls of them and their celebrity crush with the sound "nobody know i fuck with him on the low....", I thought it was funny so i decided i would make one.

Now if you knew me personally, you knew i had the fattest crush on sky katz. Not in a creep way, more in like appreciating that she is fine as fuck. So I decided I would do the trend with her. I cropped a random video of her that i found on YouTube and inserted it into the filter. I recorded the tik tok and posted it. I decided that i had been on tik tok long enough so i turned my phone off.

I had plans to go out later tonight, so i had been thinking about whether or not to take a nap and I decided on yes. I set my alarm for 5pm and I let the feeling of sleep take over.

After what felt like a 10 minute nap, I was startled awake by take a hint from victorious blaring through my speaker, the song is iconic. I sat up, picking my phone up from my nightstand and turned it off.

I look at my screen to see so many tik tok messages. I opened my phone clicking on the app to see that my new video had gotten 50k views and a bunch of comments, I never really post on tik tok so I was surprised. I checked the video itself and I was scrolling through the comments when sky katz pops up, there is no way she commented on my video, I was kicking my feet a little at this point.

"well now everybody knows 😩" my jaw dropped. There is no way she commented that like I'm going crazy. I called my best friend Jayda in a slight panic. She checks the video from her account to make sure it actually happened and it showed up.

I was stunned, I saw that I also had a random message request so I clicked on it to see that sky katz had dmed me as well.

sky - italic
y/n - regular

not you telling the whole internet about us

omg say sike rn



ok I'm gonna be real I think you're really really pretty and I'm casting for a film I wrote and I need a love interest and was wondering if you would be interested in auditioning

ummm ofc I'm interested

omg yayyy
ok whats ur insta so i can send u the info i hate tik tok dms

my insta is @y/n_y/l/n

kk let me get everything together and ill send it to you

kk can't wait

I put my phone down and squealed, there was no way this was happening right now. I was about to play my celebrity crushes love interest in a movie she wrote, like she asked me to play her love interest. what. the. actual. fuck.

A/N - this chapter is totally NOT me trying to manifest this for myself 👀 (also was thinking about whether or not to make a whole book based on this concept but idk yet)

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