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Tw: mention of drowning


-Chip pov-

"What did you think this means?" Gill asked.

"Um, not too sure!" I reply.

I feel so.. weird.. when I look at him...
What is this?

Do I..?



I don't! No I don't! That's weird to think of your friend that way!


but before I knew it,

His gaze met mine,

I met his,

I felt his hand slowly creep up my head,

And we..


He's.. kissing me?

After he let go, my face went red hot.

That was.. the best kiss I've.. ever had..

I couldn't lie about it, that was one of the best kisses I've ever had.. in my life..

"Look! A door opened!" Gill exclaimed.

"Wha.. WHAT WAS THAT?!?!" I shouted.

"An act of love? We just had to preform an act of love, right? And now a path has opened!" Gillion says.


"Oh.. well Im sorry, maybe next time I'll warn you! Haha!" Gill joked.

I hope theres a next time.. and soon.


-3rd person-

After that eventful kiss, they look for Jay, who is half way in the pond. Just trying to get a better look at herself.

"JAY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Chip exclaims.

She 'says' as she drowns in the water.

"Jay!" Gill shouts as he runs over and slams her out of the water.

Jay gasps for air, " GILL! Thank you! I.. don't know what happened.."

"Well that doesn't matter, let's get out of here!!" Chip says running out of the room.

"Whats up with him?" Jay asks Gill.

"Not too sure.. I'll ask him later." He replies.


-Jay pov-

Back on the ship

Ever since we got out of there, and had beaten the Empress, Chip has been acting strange. I decided to ask him myself.

"Hey, Chip. Got a quick question." I say looking if Gill is around.

"Uh, yeah? What's up?" He asks.

"Since Gill isn't here.. what's up with you and Gill? You have been acting strange ever since I got out of the pond. What happened while I wasn't looking?" I ask.

"UGHM! Nothing! Nothing at all happened! We just had to.. uhm.. never mind! Don't worry about it! Why do you care anyway? Huh? Why are you pressuring me to tell you stuff?" Chip retaliates.

"Damn! Okay, okay! Jeez, I just wanted to know why you were being so weird.. damn! Thats all I wanted!" I shout as I walk towards my room.

I slam the door closed, why was he being so defensive for no reason?


-Chip pov-

Why was Jay pressing me so much?? I was acting normal. I.. was.. acting normal...

I don't want to.. I can't even say it.. whats wrong with me?

I want to kiss him again.. but why? I've never felt this way about him.. should I ask Earl about this? Hmm.. maybe..

I walk up to Earl and ask, "Hey uhm, Earl.. I've got a question.."

"HM? .. Yes?" He asks.

"What... what do you have to drink?" I ask. I can't ask him, not now.

"Im glad you asked! Ive made a new drink that you can try!" Earl says.

"Also, get me some beer, a lot of it."


543 words:3 ::3:3

its 5:27 am and i cant fall asleep so i wrote this
also sorry for all tthe pov changes im tired and i didnt want a lot of pages

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