hi :3

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-3rd person-

As Chip, Jay, Gillion, and everyone else gets off the ship, they look around island. They take their separate ways, and Chip spots the potion shop (forgot what its called).

"Hey! Look, a potion shop." Chip points out.

"Should we go in?" Jay asks.

"Obviously! That's why I pointed it out." Chip replies.

They walk inside, hearing a small jingle coming from the door.

A small man turns his head towards the three.

"Oh, hello! Welcome! How may I help you all?" He says.

"Hello! We're just have a look-see around." Jay says.

"Sounds good! Just tell me if you need any help." He says, as he turns around.

As the others explore, Chip notices the potions on the shelf. He particularly takes interest of the heart shaped one.

"Hey, uh... what are those potions up there?" Chips asks.

"Oh well, the first one is a healing potion, the second of is a fire breathing potion, and the last one is a love potion." The shopkeeper says.

A.. love potion..? Chip thinks to himself.

"Could you tell me more about the.. uh.. love potion?" Chip whispers the words 'love potion' as be speaks, trying not to alert the others.

"Oh yeah! Of corse, the lo.. the potion," He says as he winks at Chip. "If someone ingests this, will fall in love with the next person they see. And if the person that has fallen victim of this is interested in the person, it will work even more!" He says.

"How do you know if the person affected is.. interested.. in the first person they see?" Chip quietly asks.

"Well.. signs that indicate that the user likes the other is that they will be more touchy, more flirtatious, sometimes will get a bit aggressive when not near the desired person if the crush is big enough." He states.

"Oh, okay. Hey, quick question." Chip asks.

"Shoot!" He says.

"Is it.. possible if.. this can come in spray form..?" Chip asks.

"Uhm.. I could get make that for you.. but it'll take all day. Also, it will cost more." He says.

"Ughm.. yeah, whatever. Do you know how much it will be?" Chip asks.

"Hmm... no, not right now. But once you come back, I'll think of the price. Don't worry." He states.

"Okay! Sounds like a deal!" Chip sticks out his hand.

They shake hands as Gillion and Jay are no where to be seen.

"Wha.. HEY!! WHERE ARE THEY AT!?" He shouts.

He storms out of the potion shop as he sees Gillion in a new suit of armor.

Chip runs up to them and asks, "Where have you two been?

"Oh! Hey Chip! Sorry we ran off, I was just getting Gill some new armor." Jay says.

"Wow Gill, you look nice!" Chip says.

"Oh, uhm.. thank you!" Gillion exclaims. "Jay had bought it for me, I am now forever in het debt...." He dramatically says as he looks off into the distance.

"Uh..okay, let's look around some more!" Chip says.

"Sounds good!" Jay says.


just about 545 words :3

ermm sorry for the long wait guys! errrmmm i just forgot about this and now im on episode 90 something... but im back!!! ill try to write more but no promises 🤑 love yall 😍

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