Island Of Desire: The Lake of wonder or something

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-3rd person-

As Chip, Jay, and Gillion make it past the "monstrous" plant they named Gurdy, they walk through the door and go up the stairs. The ground is covered with grass, with small flowers blooming. They are surrounding this sparkling pond in the middle of the room. The room itself is lit by sunflowers in each corner, giving the area a golden glow, which is mixing with the blues, reflecting from the pond.

On the opposite wall, across from the pond, there is a chalk-like drawing into the black stone. Two humanoid figures, looking at each other. One standing up, the other kneeling.

Chip walks over to one of the  sunflowers and pokes it.

"Hmmmm.." Chip hums at the plant.

No response.

"My god! He's speaking to the flower Jay!" Gillion says.

"Jay! Jay! Come here!" Chip exclames.

"Wow.. what is it saying?" Jay asks

"He said... what?" Chip asked the flower. "What? What was that?"

"Oh, Jay.." Chip says

"Yeah..? What's it saying?" Jay asks

"...Sorry Jay, the flower doesn't like your hair.." Chip sorrowfully says to Jay.

In a split second, Jay slices the sunflower in half, making that corner of the room slightly darker than the rest.

"He had a.... Samual.. he had a family, Jay! How could you!?" Chip exclaims.

"Maybe should of thought twice." 

Chip points over to the smaller flowers and exclaims, "You orphaned his children!"

"Are they talking about my hair?" Jay says menacingly.

He snaps his head at Jay ,"You're a monster!"

Gillion scans the room, but he doesn't sense anything evil.

"Sorry small friends.." Chip apologizes to the small flowers. "I'll take care of you now.." He says as he picks up one of the flowers.

Gillion walks over to the chalk covered wall and accidentally steps on the flowers.

"You're my son now- " His words cut off.


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Chip yells as he hears the crunch of the stem.

"Ope, sorry." Gillion says as he leans down and pokes it.

Gillion looks closer at the calk drawing, not really understanding what they are doing.

"Okay, you two kneel or stand or something, I am going to go see if there is anything evil down there." He says to Chip and Jay.

Jay kneels, following Gillion's command, as he jumps into the water. He doesn't hesitate and jumps straight in.

"Hope there's no evil down here-GHLGHHGGHLLGHGG" He makes drowning noises as he heads deeper into the water.

"What are doing?" Chip asks a kneeling Jay.

"Im mimicking the drawing." She exclaims.

"Ohh!" Chip realizes.


"It's almost like im knighting you." He replies.

He grabs his sword and knights her.

"I Chip, knight thee, Jay Ferin, knight of dumbass!" Chip says.

"You would have that ability, wouldn't you." She says unenthusiastically.

"Hey don't look me, i'm not knight of dumbass." Chip says.

"Well, you're the knighter of dumbass!" She replies.

"Thats a knight of dumbass thing to say!" He retaliates.


"Fuck you!" She says.


494 words :3

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