meow meow :3

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-3rd person-

Gillion heads back to his room, but he hesitates at Chip's room.

Should I.. get in bed with him? He thinks to himself.
I dare not to wake a drunk Chip.. but if i just maybe..

He slowly opens Chip's door, being careful not to make the door creak. He slowly tip toes towards Chip's bed.

Chip looks so cute when he is asleep.. is that creepy to say? He whispers to the universe, but there was no response.

Gillion slowly unsheathed Chip's blanket from his body, noticing he was just in his heart boxers.

Oh! Ughm.. Do I.. He thinks to himself as he slowly creeps himself into Chip's bed.

"Ugghmm.." Chip 'says' as he flips around and hugs Gill in his sleep.

"G..Gilly.. my beau...tiful boy.." He snores in his sleep.

"Oh uhm.. hello C-Chip." Gillion whispers.

There is no response from Chip, but he does start to snore.

Gill puts his hand in Chip's hair, never noticing how soft it felt, also how good it smelt. Despite his limited resources.

"Aww.. my little Chippy.." He whispered to himself. "Chippy? really? Terrible nickname compared to Gilly.." He says as he slowly drifts off.


next day

-Chip pov-

As I slowly open my eyes, I smell something salty..

"Ugh.. huh? What's tha-" I say as I cut off my own words.

Gillion is snuggling me.. wait WHAT!? I try and not to freak out by the feeling of wet skin touching mine.

Why is Gillion in bed with.. me? I think to myself. I..can't get up yet.. and plus, this is.. nice.

As I close my eyes again, I smile. This is the best feeling ever...

At least an hour later, Gillion gets up and slowly gets out of bed.

"Aww.." Gillion whispers.

He tucks me in and gives me a small peck on the forehead and quietly dashes out.

I shoot up out of bed. "WHHHAATTT!?!? HSBDJFBHSHSH" I quietly scream to myself.

"HE.. HE KISSED MY FOREHEAD!!! AHFJFKBFDBHHH" I scream into my pillow.

As I get ready, Jay comes in.

"Mornin' Chip! How are you feeling?" Jay asks.

"Amazing, actually!" I reply.

"Why's that?" She slyly asks.

"Ughm! Nothing!! Nothing important anyway, what did you need?" I ask.

"We're about to approach an island soon, come out here!" Jay says as she runs out of the room.

"What!?" I say as I hobble my way out trying to put my shirt on.

"Woah! Look over there!" Gillion says, God.. I think to myself. He looks so pretty while peering out into the horizon.

"You're right! There is an island!" I say.

"You doubted me?" Jay asks.

"Well, yeah sometimes. You make me come out here for no reason somedays!" I retaliate.

"I had a reason! I was tired and it was your turn to watch the ship!" She shouts.

"Yeah, sure. You can believe what you wanna believe." I say as I roll my eyes.

494 words poopkeys 😍

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