Chapter 2: A Hero Taking The Exam!

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the bustling city streets, Toshinori Yagi, known to the world as All Might, made his way to Nighteye Agency. Mirio Togata was the perfect candidate to inherit One For All.

As he approached the sleek, modern building that housed Nighteye Agency, he could practically feel Mirai's excitement. He had met Mirio only a few months ago, but in that short time, the young hero had proven himself to be a worthy successor. With his boundless energy, unwavering optimism, and powerful quirk that allowed him to pass through matter, Mirio was the embodiment of everything Toshinori wanted for a succesor.

As Toshinori entered the agency, he was greeted by the familiar sight of Sir Nighteye, his stern expression softening with genuine warmth as he welcomed his former sidekick.

Nighteye: "Toshinori! It's good to see you. Are you ready to proceed with the transfer?"

Toshinori: "Yes, Nighteye. I am ready."

With a nod, Nighteye led Toshinori to the gym room. There the two heroes could see Mirio lifting weights.

Nighteye: "Mirio has been training tirelessly in anticipation of this moment."

Toshinori's heart swelled with pride at the thought of Mirio's dedication. He knew that the young hero would carry the burden of One For All with honor and grace, just as he had done for so many years. He buffs up and enters the room.


Mirio dropped the weights in shock. His eyes widen when he saw All Might standing before him.

Mirio: "All Might!?"

All Might: "Yes! It is I!! I have come with a offer young Togata!"

As Mirio's eyes widened in shock at the sight of All Might standing before him, the symbol of peace and justice that had inspired countless heroes.

All Might: "Yes! It is I!! I have come with an offer, young Togata!"

Mirio's heart raced with excitement and anticipation. What could the greatest hero of all time possibly want from him?

Mirio: "An offer?"

All Might: "Indeed! You see, Mirio, I have watched you closely over these past few months, and I believe you possess the qualities of a true hero. You have the heart, the courage, and the determination to make a difference in the world. That's why I've come to offer you something truly extraordinary."

Mirio's eyes widened in disbelief as he listened to All Might's words. What could possibly be so extraordinary?

All Might: "You see, Mirio, I wasn't always the mighty symbol of peace you see before you. In fact, I was once quirkless. But after meeting my master, It led me to a quirk called One For All, a power passed down from one generation to the next, each inheritor adding their strength to the collective whole."

Mirio's mind reeled at the revelation. All Might, quirkless? It was almost too much to comprehend.

All Might: "But One For All is not just a quirk—it's a legacy. And now, I believe it's time for me to pass on that legacy to someone who embodies the spirit of heroism more than anyone I've ever known."

Mirio's heart swelled with pride at All Might's words. To think that he, a mere student, could be worthy of inheriting such a monumental power—it was almost too much to believe.

All Might: "Mirio Togata, I offer you the chance to become the next inheritor of One For All. With this power, you will have the strength to stand against any villain, to protect the innocent, and to inspire hope in the hearts of all who look up to you. What do you say, young hero? Will you accept this great responsibility?"

Mirio's mind raced as he processed All Might's offer. To inherit One For All, to become the symbol of peace that had inspired him since childhood—it was a dream come true. But with that dream came a heavy burden, a responsibility that he could not take lightly.

Mirio: "All Might, I... I don't know what to say. This is... it's beyond anything I could have ever imagined. But... are you sure? I mean, I'm not sure I'm ready for something like this."

All Might: "Mirio, my boy, I have watched you grow and evolve over these past few months and tame your quirk. I have no doubt that you are ready. You have already proven yourself to be a true hero in every sense of the word. And as for whether I am sure... let me put it this way: I have already made my decision. It's up to you to decide whether to accept it."

Mirio's heart was filled with gratitude as he looked up at All Might, the hero who had inspired him to become the best version of himself.

Mirio: "Then, All Might, I accept your offer. I will do whatever it takes to live up to the legacy of One For All, to become the hero that the world needs me to be."

All Might smiled proudly at Mirio's words, knowing that he had made the right choice. Together, they would carry on the legacy of One For All, standing side by side against the forces of evil and injustice that threatened to tear their world apart.

All Might: "Excellent! Now.......EAT THIS!!!"

Mirio: "E-eh?"

{With Izuku In Front of UA's Gates}

Izuku Midoriya stood before the towering gates of UA High School. This was it—the moment he had been waiting for, the culmination of years of hard work. He made his way to the main building but wasn't paying attention to where he was going and his foot caught a lose brick. Normally, someone would trip and fall over. But the brick shattered.

Izuku looked down and saw the missing brick and something slide down.

Izuku: =Is that a hydraulic? Why is there a hydraulic under there?=

Deciding to ignore it, Izuku walked in and to a table where he was directed. Izuku looked around, there where hundred of desks that were spread out. He saw a kid with blue hair and glasses, a girl with orange hair and green eyes, and- wait Katsuki!? He sat ten desks away and was trying to hit on the orange haired girl, who looked not interested.

???: "Attention everyone! Please be seated, the UA heroics exam will begin shortly!" A man that looked like a.....Sulphur-crested cockatoo? Oh! Its President Mic!

He went on to explain the rules of the exam, it was fairly simple. Multiple clones of Ectoplasm came out and began handing out the test and pencils.
Aren't the tests suppose to be hard? It looked relativity easy. Ectoplasm clones wandered around and he checked for any cheaters. He found a couple and they failed without realizing it.

Izuku was one of the first to be done. He felt like he did a test for elementary students kept quite, he didn't want to disturb anyone. Nearly 40 minutes later time ran out and Ectoplasm clones collected the tests and instructed them follow a clone for the practical portion of the exam.

The examines made their way to a large auditorium and sat in their seats. After everyone sat down, President Mic walked up to the podium.

President Mic: "HELLO!!! Welcome to the practical portion of the exam!! Can I get a YEAAHH!!?"

Unfortunately for the pro, nobody said anything. Well, almost everyone.

Izuku: "YEAH!!"

President Mic's face immediately lit up.

President Mic: "Thank you little listener!! Now lets begin!!"

The hero went on to explain the exam and what their objective was. It was pretty straightforward, destroy robots and gets points. But that got Izuku thinking. This was a hero school, shouldn't there be more to it?

President Mic was about to explain the final robot until a certain blue haired snob with glasses shot up from his seat. (Am I right?)

Blue Haired Snob: "Excuse me! The pamphlet said there where 4 robot, but you only mentioned 3!! If this is a mistake then you shouldn't teach here! And you two!"

The Blue Haired Snob pointed to Katsuki Bakugo and the orange haired girl.

Blue Haired Snob: "You two been talking this entire time!! If your not going to take this seriously then leave!!"

Bakugo eyes flared up. He began yelling for the "Extra" to shut up for he'll blast him to hell. He created small explosions in his palms to intimidate. President Mic quickly stepped in.


Izuku and the other examines in the large auditorium stood up and walked towards the exit. They met a cross roads that led in three directions. Izuku made his way to a massive walled off training ground.

Izuku did some stretches as he came up with a plan. He couldn't go all out or their wouldn't be a training ground left. So he decided that he'll limit himself to only 25% of his power.

Blue Haired Snob: "HEY!!"

Izuku turned his head and saw the Blue Haired Idiot shouting at the orange hair girl from earlier about her choice of clothing. Izuku was starting to get annoyed with this guy's behavior. He walked over and tapped his shoulder.

Izuku: "Excuse me. Perhaps you should stop bothering people? Your only wasting your time to get ready. Besides I think she looks nice."

Blue Haired Snob: "But shes disrespecting the dress code!"

Izuku: "If she is then let the UA take care of her. Perhaps you should stop that person from smoking."

The Blue Haired Snob immediately ran off shouting at the smoker. After he left Izuku began laughing.

Orange Haired Girl: "There isn't smoking, is there?"

Izuku: "Nope."

Both of them laughed. The orange haired girl smiled.

Orange Haired Girl: "Anyway, thanks. The names Gwen Tenison."

The Girl stook out her hand and Izuku shook it.

Izuku: "Izuku Midoriya."

Gwen: "Well Izuku, you really think I look nice?"

Izuku's face nearly turned red after realizing what he said. Gwen began to laugh at the display.


Izuku saw the fake city gate opening. Izuku powered up and dashed through the gate and into the city, Surprising Gwen and everyone.

Blue Haired Snob: "HEY!! HE'S CHEATING!"


The examines quickly ran off into the fake city to smash robots and earn some points.

Izuku was deep in the fake city laying waste to anything that was metal and moved. No robot was safe from him. Izuku was a blur as he moved from robot to robot. Others caught up to him and tried to gain points. Gwen and the Blue Haired Snob looked around the destroyed robots with awe.

{In The Control Room}

The Faculty watched the many TV screens as the exam began. Principle Nezu watched one screen in particular of a boy with green hair and barely noticeable as he moving very fast.

Nezu: "Now, this is interesting."

Everyone in the room turned to the Rat? Bear? Dog? The principle sipped his tea and pointed to the monitor. The heroes in the room gawked at the examines was dominating the exam.

President Mic: "That's the little listener that replied!"

Midnight: "My~ He sure looks like a lovely one~"

However nobody noticed that All Might, the newest staff member, looked like he seen a ghost.

All Might: =Is that young Midoriya? I though he said he was quirkless?= "What's his quirk, sir?"

Nezu pulled up the a file on the biggest monitor.

Computer: "Name: Izuku Midoriya. Age: 15. Quirk: SkyMight. SkyMight grants Izuku the ability to harness immense strength and flight. When activated, Izuku's muscles become infused with energy, granting him superhuman strength, allowing him to lift heavy objects effortlessly and deliver powerful blows to opponents. Additionally, Izuku gains the ability to suspend himself in mid-air, enabling him to fly through the air and fly at high speeds.

President Mic: "Thats a strong quirk!"

Cementoss: "Indeed."

Midnight: "What do you think Eraser?"

In the corner of the room in a yellow sleeping bag, a certain sleep deprived hero peaked out the sleeping bag and stared at the screen.

Eraser Head: "He's holding back. I don't like arrogant kids in my class."

he watched as Izuku punched a 2 pointer in the chest and his fist going clear through.

Nezu: "Why don't we see what more he can do."

Nezu pressed a big red button on the console in front of him and began laughing like a mad man.

Izuku lost count how many points he gathered after destroying robots and helping out examines that were overwhelmed, even if they didn't want it. All was quite until the ground began to shake violently and a enormous robot emerged from the center of the city.

Izuku: "That's the Zero pointer!?"

Izuku watched the others run away from it. It completely towered all the buildings as it slowly rolled along and smashing anything in its path. Izuku didn't see the point on taking it down so he turned to leave but stopped when he heard a cry for help. He looked back and saw Gwen pinned by debris in the path of the Zero Pointer.

Izuku took off breaking the ground below him as he charged towards the robot. He crouched down and channeled 45% of One For All into legs, he shot up like a rocket and cocked back his arm. He channeled 50% into his arm.

Izuku: "SMAAAAAASSH!!!!!"

Izuku strikes the Zero Pointer and its head exploded, causing a chain reaction throughout its body. Everyone was flabbergasted at the overwhelming display of strength and power. Everyone in the control room was shocked as well, including Eraser Head and Nezu.

Izuku used float to stay in the air. He looked at the remains of the Zero Pointer and sighed internally.

Izuku: "Too much."


Izuku looked down and saw the Youthful Heroine herself treating to Gwen and the others. Izuku floated down towards the entrance and left. Gwen watched the green haired kid leave, still shocked from what he did. She couldn't help wonder.

Gwen: "Who are you Izuku Midoriya?"

Back in the control room, All Might was deep in thought.

All Might: =That power! He told me he was quirkless, did he lie to me? Or....maybe he got a quirk from...HIM.=

Eraser Head: "I want him in my class, Nezu."

Nezu: "He already is."

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