Chapter 7: A Hero In The Sports Festival Doing The First Event! Part 1

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Izuku was in the waiting room with all of class 1A and was talking to his friends when Todoroki walked up to him with his usual stoic expression.

Todoroki: Midoriya, when it comes to power you're by far the strongest in this school. But I will defeat you only using my Ice. This is my declaration of war to you."

Todoroki walked away with Izuku and his friends confused as to what just happened. 

Gwen: "Did Todoroki just said what I think he said?"

Shoji: "I think he did."

This wasn't much of a worry for Izuku. For the time he knew todoroki, he is cold and doesn't have much respect for everyone. Especially when he only uses half his power because of daddy issues.

Present Mic: "Will Class 1A make their way out please!!"

Izuku: "Alright everyone! Let's give it our all!"

Class 1A: "YEAH!"



Eraserhead: "How did you drag me into this?"

Present: "Now let's meet the class that survived a villain attack. CLASS 1A!!!"

Everyone went wild as the students walked out. It was almost overwhelming to say the least. Present Mic Introduced the other classes but with less hype.

Present Mic: "Now for this year's refere. The R-Rated Hero herself, Midnight!!"

The sexy pro walked onto the stage and faced the crowd.

Midnight: "Greetings everyone!! Now before we begin, this year's representative will perform the pledge!"

A pledge!? Nobody told him about that! Izuku walked up and took the mic. It was also when some of his classmates noticed he was wearing strange bands on his arms and legs.

Izuku: "U-um I pledge to give my all, to strive for excellence, and to uphold the spirit of sportsmanship in this year's Sports Festival

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Izuku: "U-um I pledge to give my all, to strive for excellence, and to uphold the spirit of sportsmanship in this year's Sports Festival. No matter the challenge, no matter the opponent, let's give it everything we've got and leave no regrets on the field! Together, we can achieve greatness!"

A wave of applause and cheers erupted from the audience as Izuku stepped back, he could feel the adrenaline coursing through him.

Gwen: "That was amazing Izuku!"

Shoji: "Indeed."

Izuku blushed a little.

Shoji: "By the way, what are you wearing?" 

The rest of the class turns to izuku, also interested. Izuku raised his arm so they can have a better view.

Izuku: "There High Density Weights. They are ultra-compacted to make them easy to wear around my arms or legs. I have to wear them since the teachers fear I may unintentionally harm someone. They reduce my strength and speed. Each weight adds about half of the wearer's body weight."

Midnight: "Alright, let's see what the first event is!"

The screen featured a large spinning wheel and it span before landing and obstacle course.

Midnight: "An obstacle course! A 4 km run around the stadium! Will all the participants line up please!"

Everyone gathered in the tunnel. Right away Izuku noticed that the tunnel was abnormally narrow, he notified his friends before a gun shot went off.

Midnight: "BEGIN!!"

Right off the bat everyone pushed and shoved to pass one another. Izuku and his friends where glad they stayed back, especially when Todoroki froze everyone's feet.

Izuku powered up and leapt over everyone and lands on the other side. Being nice, Izuku broke the ice and freed everyone.

Izuku: "Good luck!"

Izuku zoomed of to catch up with Todoroki. But suddenly a hord of Zero Pointers appeared.

Present Mic: "Looks like the participants have reached the first obstacle, ROBO INFERNOOOO-ACK!?"

Eraser Head: "You don't need to yell."

Todoroki: "So this is what they used in the entrance exam? They don't look like much."

Todoroki froze the Zero Pointers almost in an instant, shocking everyono.

Izuku: =That was amazing! Todoroki always impresses me.=

Todoroki: "Careful, I purposely made them uneven."

As he spoke the robots begin to topple over.

Izuku: =One For All 35%= 

Izuku lept up high and pulled his fist back while charging it with One For All at 35%.

Izuku: "One For All 35%: Comet Cannon!!!"

Izuku punched the air and a powerful concentrated blast of air blasted into the Zero Pointers and make them explode. Everyone gawked at the display.


Eraser Head: "I didn't teach them anything, that's all pure skill and dedication."

Present Mic: "You heard it here folks, Aizawa is a terrible teacher!!"

Eraser Head: "What did you sa-"

Present: "Oh look! They reached the second obstacle, THE PITTTT!!"

Todoroki used his ice to slide on the cable. Bakugo, who passed Izuku while he fought the Robo Inferno, flew over with his explosions.

Bakugo: "Get back here Icy Hot!!"

Izuku approached the pit but didn't stop. He powered up to 30% and leaped into the air and used float to soar.


Izuku could see Bakugo and Todoroki going at it at the Mine Field. A smirk crept on Izuku's face. Izuku repositioned himself and powered up 20% into his legs. 

Izuku: "Air Dash!!!"

Izuku shot forward and broke the sound barrier. He flew past Bakugo and Todoroki while they saw a green blur zoom past them and towards the finish line.


Izuku laned as the crowd cheered. Bakugo was fuming, once again the useless Deku has beaten him! Todoroki, tho wasn't vocal, was glaring at the green boy.

Todoroki: "Midoriya..."

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