Let's start the video

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Parker laid on his bed, the sun outside shining through the small hole in his curtains. Groaning he shoved his head into his pillow, his eyes irritated by the light on his face. Parker sighed as he heard rummaging from the outside of his room Chester had thought of another idea for a video and as trusty cameraman, he was setting up for it. 
Sighing Parker sat up stiffly, yawning as he scratched the small stubble on his chin. Rubbing his eyes he made his way over to his closet, and trying to avoid the mirror attached to it he grabbed out clothes for the video. Finding a black button up he started to put it over his shoulders as he looked for pants. After getting some dark navy jeans and a hoodie from his closet he chucked on the clothing. Turning around he saw himself in the mirror his eyes were droopy and dark but them matched into his outfit so the fans and Chester probably wouldn't notice...or care.

Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Parker walked out and down the stairs that lead to the kitchen and lower half of the home. Silently he went to grab a cup that was on the bench, it looked as if it had just been made so he picked it up and took a sip of it. He smiled into the cup as the coffee went into his stomach. Sipping from the drink Parker walked into the other parts of the downstairs area, trying to find Chester. Hearing the slight humming of a song Parker walked towards it and it led him into the recording room.

"Hey du-"

Chester shouted as he almost fell over, being jumped by Parkers sudden talk.

"You alright? -" Parker held his cup away from his face so he could stop himself from laughing

Chester waved him off as he breathed in and out, "yeah I'm fine Par- Is that my fuckin' coffee?" Chester huffed crossing his arms.

Parker shrugged, taking a slow sip from the warm mug.

"N- Stop drinking it!" Chester ran over and pulled the drink away from Parker, holding the mug to his own chest instead.

"Awh.." The black-haired one frowned, wiping his mouth.

Chester turned away and took a mouthful of HIS coffee, side eyeing his roommate. After he did Chester placed down the cup and continued with working on the set up. Parker leaned against the doorway and watched as Chester moved items to their places.

"What are we filming tonight again?" Parker yawned.

The sandy blonde man was just finishing with the camera,
"I found a site that can make us a pet!"

The other thought back on their channel and hummed out, "haven't we already done pet related videos before?"

"Yeah, but- uhm this site is different!" Chester nodded, standing back from the setup to make sure it looked alright.

Parker nodded and stretched his arms over his head, resting them on the back of his head. Chester grabbed his mug and groaned as he saw how much was left. Muttering curses at Parker he left the room, with Parker following soon after. They both ventured into the kitchen and Chester was already making himself more coffee.

*Time skip to just before they start filming*

Parker leaned back in his chair, his back cracking as he did. Chester was looking up the website, on the deep web and he hummed softly. The site opened and he sat up in his chair, looking over at Parker for the confirmation to start the camera. Parker fixed up his clothing and nodded at Chester who was pressing the button on the camera.

"Lets get into this.."

Chester turned into a... WHAT??Where stories live. Discover now