Deep web

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"Now Chester what even is this website?" Parker asked clicking on to the tab with the website open.

Chester leaned closer to the table, "so I was looking on a pet site trying to find us a new animal but this weird ad popped up and I obviously had to click on it-" Parker pushed him in arm before Chester chuckled and continued, "and then this website showed up!"

The website was set the usual dark web type videos on their channel but instead of animals or people showing on the site, it was bottles of different types of 'potions'.

"Alright then!" Parker clapped his hands together and moved his mouse around on the desk, scrolling down the page to check out the different potions. "Fish, dog, horse?!- What kind of potions are they meant to be for??"

Chester just shrugs and glances at the screen more closely with a sudden pointing he giddily smiles. "Oooh! There's a cat one!"

"Okay I'll check that one out." Parker clicks on the square with the caption 'Cat Potion'. "Uhh-" His eyes scan over the description and tilts his head in a slight confusion. "You know what it means by 'will release your inner feline!', Chester?"

"Play on words maybe?" Chester hummed back as he looked at the little purple vile in the products picture. "Like it'll show off your inner feeling? I don't know dude.."

"Are we getting it?" Parker asked, already knowing the answer.


Rolling his eyes with a smirk he clicked on the buy button, and just as he was about to type in his details he turned to Chester. "Do ya want to pay for this one?"

"I...forgot my wallet.." Chester rubbed the back of his neck and leaned back in his seat.

"You suck at lying." Parker huffed and continued to place his details into the totally not sketchy page. "Why do I do this-"

"Because ya lo-" Chester fell back in his seat as he remembered the recording camera, "-because I'm your best friend!" He chuckled, or more choked out short nervous laughter.

Back to looking at the camera, Parker began his usual talk. "So now we just have to wait. As it has just emailed me that it should arrive early tomorrow at 1:30-ish- So we'll record again when it arrives!"

Sighing as Chester finally turned off the recording, he fell back in his chair rubbing his irriated eyes. Chester did the opposite and got up from his chair instead. Stretching his arms over his head, hearing small pops of them cracking.
Parker slowly got up from his seat and walked over to Chester who was about to leave through the doorway.

"Wanna have dinner before the 'potion' comes?"

"Definitely I haven't eaten today anyways-" Chester put his hands into the pockets of the jeans he had on.

Parker flicked Chester harshly on the back of his head. "Idiot I told you to stop waiting for me to wake up to eat.."

Chester rubbed his head pouting. "Ouch-"

"Anways.." Parker sighed and walked over into the kitchen, Chester shortly behind him. "What are we eating?"

"I made cookies earl-"

"Proper food Chester. I mean proper food to eat." Parker opened the fridge.

"I think we have potatoes somewhere in there," he muttered leaning on the side of the fridge.

"Uhh yup! Right here" Parker hummed, grabbing 3 potatoes and pushing them into Chester chest.
"Your turn tonight."

The blonde on groaned, "awh what?? I thought you were making it?"

"I made dinner last night."

Chester suck his tongue at the black haired man, walking away with the veggies chucking them on to the bench. "I hate you and your smart ass-"

"Love ya as well dude" Parker blew a fake kiss at the other before walking away.

Chester grabbed out a peeler and started peeling a potato, "lOvE yA tOoo-" Chester mocked the other's words.

|Let's just skip to when they eat and are waiting now|

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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