Chapter 2

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Pic of David
At the pack house:

Why would David ask for forgiveness? I'm nothing to him, thought Alex.

Alex don't think that and you should have forgave him, said Aviary.

Shut up Aviary, snapped Alex.

While Alex was fighting with her wolf and washing dishes she didn't hear someone come up behind her. she turned to find David with his arm around the waist of the one girl she hated most. Mia Roberts, the pack slut.

"I just wanted you to know that I took your advice, Mia will be the new Luna," said David.

"Sweetie, how could you be cursed with a mate like that," sneered Mia.

"I know baby, the moon goddess must hate me," replied David.

Alex turned with tears in her eyes and continued with the dishes. But David grabbed her and slapped her across the face. She fell to the floor with a busted lip and a black eye forming.

"Don't you dare turn away from me you useless whore," boomed David.

"Sweetie you shouldn't say that," said Mia while looking at Alex "it's an insult to whores."

Alex whimpered and stopped her attempts to get up. Mia slowly stalked towards her and kicked her in the ribs. Alex heard the crunch of breaking bones, nothing she hadn't heard a million times before. But she thought she saw David flinch at the sound.

"Baby stop, don't waste your energy on that thing," said David.

"Your right babe, lets go talk about the wedding," said Mia as she dragged him up stairs.

Once they were gone Alex got up and walked to her 'room'.

That's it, she thought, I'm leaving tonight even if it kills me.

David's POV:

I'm so tired of this slut, thought David.

All he wanted to do was make Alex jealous. But did he really want to go as far as marrying Mia? Right now they were in his room. Mia was looking at some bridal magazine while sitting on his lap. He moved her out of the way and got up to look out the window, lost in thought. While he was standing there, Mia came up behind him and wrapped her self around him.

"What's wrong babe?"

"Nothing, just go back to planning the wedding."

She came in front of him and made him look at her. Then she kissed him but he pulled back. Suddenly, he got a sharp pain in his chest making him fall to the ground. He knew what this pain meant, his mate had just crossed the pack borderline. She was gone.

"Baby? What's wrong?"

"Alex. She's gone."

He got up and stormed out to find his Beta, Rob. He was going to find her, bring her back and prove that she would make a great Luna.


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