Chapter 21

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Evans POV:

What am I going to do? I can't keep staying here, they start beating me just like my 'father'.

"Bubby? What are you thinkin' about," asked Rose as he sat on her bed.

He looked down at her big bright blue eyes. Why are they all being so nice to me? "Nothing sweetie, I'm just in my own little world."

"Okay," she said as she climbed up hugged him around the neck.

"Can I tell you a secret," Rose whispered in his ear.

"What is it," Evan whispered back.

"In my world Hello Kitty is my best friend and we ride on butterflies and unicorns while going over the rainbows," she said as she got up and spun around the room.

"That's beautiful Rose," he said while laughing at how cut she was.

Evan started thinking, why can't I have a daughter like her and the love that Alex and Ben have? That's all I want, someone to love me.

"Evan can you come down here, we need to tell you something," yelled Ben.


Evan ran down the hall to Ben's office and knocked on the door. He heard a faint 'come in'.

"You called," said Evan.

"Yes we did. come on in and have a seat sweetie," said Alex, pointing to some chairs.

Evan sat down and waited for them to speak.

"Evan, we need to tell you something... But we're not sure how you will take it," said Alex.

"What is it? Do you want me to leave," asked Evan in a panic.

"No nothing like that. What we are about to tell you is a big secret so you can't tell anyone," said Ben.

"Okay, I promise."

"Sweetie, Ben, myself, and the other kids... are werewolves," said Alex slowly.

"Haha very funny guys, now what did you really want to tell me," he asked.

Alex and Ben looked at each other, "Evan, we aren't joking," Ben said softly.

"What! So, wait... werewolves are real? No, that's not possible..." Evan trailed off as he paced around the room.

"Evan there is no reason to be scared, we won't hurt you. We can even..." Ben got cut off by Evan yelling.

"No. I can't trust you, you will hurt me, just like my father did!"

"Evan, baby, calm down..." said Alex as she walked to him.

"Stay away you... you monster," he yelled at her.

Alex's eyes filled with tears as Ben pulled her into his arms.

"Evan don't talk to her like that," said Ben.

"Whatever, I knew I shouldn't have trusted you people."

He stormed out the door and back up to Roses room. Once he got there he burst through the door, scaring Rose.

"Bubby? Is somethin' wrong," she asked in her little kid voice.

"Don't call me that, I'm not your 'bubby'. Are you a werewolf to," he asked her.

She nodded her head.

He shook his head and started grabbing the little amount of things he brought. He started towards the door.

"Where are you going," asked Rose.

"Away from you freaks," he said harshly and then slammed the door in her face.

As he was about to walk out the front door he heard someone calling his name and running.

"Please don't go," Alex asked with tear a stained face.

"Why would I want to stay here with a bunch of freaks who will kill me," asked Evan sarcastically.

"Please... Your my son, I don't want to lose you. Evan I know what it's like to feel unloved and be abused everyday and feeling like you can't trust anyone. But we all love you and we would never hurt you," said Alex.

"I don't know Alex, let me just think about it for a while."

"Will you at least stay here so I know your safe, then if you want to leave you can."

"Okay, I'll be in Roses room."

He started to head back up the stairs when he turned around and looked at Alex.

She doesn't look like someone who could ever hurt someone. She looks like she's more broken then me, thought Evan.

"Alex? I'm sorry for everything. Will you tell Ben I said sorry," asked Evan.

She nodded her head and smiled at him.

He turned and began walking again. He knocked on Roses door. He heard sniffling and a faint 'come in'. When he walked in he saw Rose in the middle of her bed with her head down and tears rolling down her cheeks.

He slowly walked over to her and picked her up and put her in his lap as he sat down.

"I'm sorry," he whispered in her ear.

She looked up at him and asked, " Do you really think I'm a freak?"

"No sweetie. I was just angry. Besides, your my little sister, I could never be mad at you."

She smiled and hugged him around the neck.

"Come on squirt, it's time for bed."

They both got ready for bed. He tucked her in and then got in himself. She curled up into his chest and fell asleep. Evan lay awake thinking for another hour before he finally went to sleep.

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