Chapter 12

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I'm going to skip getting the kids ready and the drive there...  Please tell me in a message or something if you guys like this book because if you don't then I will just quite writing it. Vote, Comment, and Follow!!!!!!!!!!!


"Have any of you kids ever been to the beach," asked Alex.

"I have, daddy took me for my birthday," said Sara.

"Anyone else," asked Alex.

"No," said the rest of the kids said at the same time.

"You'll will like it I promise," said Sara with a big smile on her face.

Ben unlocked the car doors, Alex and him got the kids out of the car. Ben got the picnic basket and blanket.

"Lets go kids," said Alex.

They all went running down towards the water, but Rose stayed by Alex as they walked, holding her hand really tight in her tiny one.

"Rose, what's wrong? Do you not want to be here," asked Alex softly.

"I can't swim and I don't want to be left out from all the fun with you guys."

"I can just do what I did in the pool."

"I don't want you to be tied down because I can't swim."

"Ben can you go on ahead so I can talk to Rose alone?"

"Of course sweetie," he replied.

Alex bent down to Roses level and said, "I'll tell you what, I'll carry you in the water and I'll also help you learn to swim, just tell me when your ready and we can start."

"Thank you mommy, I love you," she said while hugging her.

"I love you to baby."

"Lets go down and have fun with everyone," said Alex smiling.

Once they got down there they saw that Ben had already set up the picnic and the kids where poking a crab with a stick. They walked over to the picnic and sat down, Rose in Alex's lap. Everyone came and started to eat.

Skip the eating:

Once they where finish all the kids except Rose went down to the water and splash each other.

"Don't go to deep kids," called Ben.

Alex got up with a smile on her face and started to pull on Ben's hand, "Come on, lets go swimming, come on you two."

Ben got up and took his shirt up, Alex couldn't help but stare at his eight pack.

"See something you like," chuckled Ben.

Alex licked her lips and nodded, then picked up Rose and walked to the water, but she made sure to put a little sway in her hips.

"Rose do you want to learn to swim first," asked Alex.

She nodded her head, looking a little unsure.

"Hey, we will go slow and I will be with you the whole time so nothing can happen to you," said Alex.

 As Alex was teaching Rose to swim, Ben was sitting in the shallow water just watching.

I have an amazing family and a beautiful mate, who is a great mother, thought Ben.

Soon enough Rose knew how to swim, everyone was tired out, and it was time to go. They went back to David's territory and put the kids to bed. Then they went to sleep as well.


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