Chapter 18: I Will Leave the Light On

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"Jake, honey, can you grab the cranberry sauce from the fridge?"

My mom's voice carries from the kitchen. My brother's grumbling follows his heavy, annoyed footsteps.

I shut the door behind me, taking a moment to savor the familiar sights and scents of home. I usually storm in like a hurricane, kicking off my shoes and dumping my backpack on the floor, tossing my jacket onto the hangers, and dropping myself onto the sofa like a load of lazy potatoes.

Today I see my house through different eyes.

Framed family photos line the walls, each one a cherished memory frozen in time. The aroma of freshly baked pumpkin pie mingles with the crackling warmth of the fireplace, enveloping me in a sense of comfort and belonging.

As I step into the kitchen, my gaze is immediately drawn to the table, where my mom is plating Thanksgiving dinner with Jake's reluctant help.

She looks up and her whole face lights up. "Rhys, you're home!" Her eyes crinkle at the corners. "And you brought a friend."

I glance behind me at Melanie who stands in the doorway, absorbing everything. She picks at her sweater, her eyes darting like that of a timid cat. My mom comes around and sweeps me into a warm embrace, not for a second showing that she's surprised to see Mel. She goes to Melanie and hugs her. "We're so glad you could make it, sweetheart."

"Thanks for having me," says Melanie, relaxing in my mom's embrace.

Jake surprises me when he rushes over and gives Melanie a big hug that she returns. "You've gotten so tall, my goodness!" she exclaims. "You're so handsome."

He visibly blushes and shrinks into his hoodie like the awkward teen he is.

"Will you help me with the silverware, dear?" my mom says to Melanie, who looks eager to have something to do with her hands. "Just set them on the table in the dining area. I'd ask these boys, but they'll just dump it all in the middle like savages." She reaches to tussle Jake's hair affectionately.

He immediately pulls away with an exaggerated eye roll, fixing his mop of hair. "Mooom, come on."

Melanie pulls up her sleeves and nods. "I'd be delighted."

As soon as Melanie is out of earshot, Jake leans in to whisper. "What is she doing here?"

My mom senses my apprehensiveness and shushes him. "It's Thanksgiving, and all are welcome." She kisses my head and returns to cooking.

"Thanks, mom," I say gratefully.

Jake gives me a questioning look behind her back.

How can I explain this to him? He hasn't seen Melanie since last winter break in Peregrine Hollow—none of my family have—and now here she is at Thanksgiving after everyone saw me moping after her for months. How do I tell them that if it wasn't for Felicity's suggestion, it would never even cross my mind to invite her to Thanksgiving?

Felicity had said to me, "Melanie is going to be all alone on Thanksgiving in the city she used to call home. And you and your family are the furthest thing from all the vultures like Olivia she knows in this town who would only invite her for the gossip. I know your parents and I know you, and it would be good for her to spend Thanksgiving with you. Invite her."

"There is no way she'll accept," I told her. "She thinks I got back together with Olivia."

"So tell her the truth, and then invite her. She may surprise you," Felicity said.

The doorbell rings and jolts me back to the present. "I'll get it."

Preston and Clement arrive together, raising the volume in our house by several decibels as they greet my mom, dad and Jake. They both freeze in the doorway of the dining room when they see Melanie there. They elbow each other and exchange silent, questioning looks.

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