Chapter 2: The Exchange Student

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I am swimming in twin sapphire oceans surrounded by red silk, completely lost in a daydream when I hear her say, "Am I boring you?"

"Hmm?" I ask. The oceans turn into light blue pools. Kind of plastic, and not a substitute for the real thing.

"Am I boring you?" she repeats.

The noise of the bar invades my sense all at once. The music, the voices talking over each other, the clink of glasses.


"Uhh..." I fail to provide words in response. Crap. Quick, say something to show you were listening. "I mean, yeah, no, I'm listening. And totally agree with you," I say.

That should be a safe response, right?

Sydney wrinkles her nose like she's smelled something foul but doesn't want to mention it. "You agree? With what part, exactly?"

I tilt my head. "Wiiiith... the second one?" I give her my best innocent grin.

Sydney shakes her head. She looks around the bar. It's a bit swanky for my taste. All moody lighting and gold chandeliers and Upper East Side fancy people. The napkins are cloth with a golden ring around them. It was Sydney's choice, obviously. I don't even know these places exist.

I rub my face. "I'm sorry, got distracted by all the... bling."

On cue, a lady dripping in jewelry passes by carrying a pooch with a bedazzled collar that looks like it could pay for a year's worth of my tuition.

Sydney is not entertained. She sighs heavily. "I am boring you."

"Not at all," I say quickly.

"Maybe we should call it a night," she says. It's not a suggestion. She's already called for the check.

Once outside, she gives me a half-hearted hug and walks away without anything more than a quick "Goodnight." Definitely no chance for a kiss, now.

I can hear Preston's voice in my head. Dumbass.

And I was. I don't think I even commented on how nice she looked. She'd clearly made an effort tonight.

But I could barely see her. All I could see was red. Mermaid red.

Melanie can't be back, can she? It would be impossible. I must've imagined it. But did I?

The whole way home, it's all I can think about until I see Preston's face when I get back to our shared apartment and it hits me: there is one person who'd know.

"You're back early," he tells me as he opens the door. His face drops when he sees mine, and sighs. "How did you fuck it up this time?"

"Okay, don't kill me," I warn him, "but I need to ask you a question."

He crosses his big arms over his chest. In his black T-shirt, it makes him look like a bouncer. "Uh-huh."

"And you're probably not going to know, so I will need you to ask Felicity," I say.


"And you can't say no," I add quickly. "Promise me."

He narrows his eyes. "I'll bite. What is it?"

I take a deep breath. "Is Melanie back in town?"

Preston takes a breath through his nostrils. "I knew it," he says quietly. As soon as he unravels his arms, I know he's about to tackle me, or worse.

I dart around the sofa. He lunges for the pillows and throws them at me. "We been through this already!" He whacks me with a throw pillow.

"Ouch!" I cry. That's the last time I let my mother come in here bringing décor. Leaving weapons around...

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