Chapter 7: Bass Drop Betrayal

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You can feel the bass even out on the street. The asphalt is sleek with that after-rain wetness that makes the city look glossy. Lights reflect in every puddle.

Our group huddles close in the queue: me and Sydney, Felicity and Preston behind us who are standing a foot apart and still barely talking, Clement and Sydney's coffee shop coworker, and luckily, no Melanie. She texted Sydney she's not coming.

Sydney's dressed in a pink crop top and high-waist jeans that flash a tiny bit of skin at her midriff. I place my hand on the small of her back as we walk in. Her skin feels warm under my fingertips.

We enter what looks like an old factory building on the outside, and an abandoned warehouse on the inside. Down some dark stairs past mingling bodies outlined by flashing lights we get to the club.

"Woah," I say. "I had no idea this place was here! It's huge!"

Sydney grins. "He's so good!" she points at the DJ far above a sea of people moving with the beat. She takes my hand and leads us in a line to a booth Clement reserved for our little group. When server girls in tight outfits start bringing out bottles and glasses and champagne on ice, I nudge him in the ribs. "Yo! How much is all this?"

He waves me off. "Don't worry about it," he replies and pours everyone a drink. Hooking an arm around his date's shoulder, he toasts. "To an unforgettable night!"

I down my champagne glass in one go. Not gonna lie, it flows smoothly. That is, until I clear the bottom and can see a dash of red through the glass. I set it down and look up.

"What's wrong?" asks Sydney, noticing my startle.

"I love this song!" I try to play it off cool. "Let's go dance!"

I pull her up with me but she resists, laughing. "Oh, I don't really dance!"

"Neither do I!" I say. "Let's go." I drag her past Melanie and I almost make it when the girls spot each other.

Sydney shrieks. "Ah! You made it after all!"

Of course, she made it, I think. How else is the universe going to torment me?

I plaster on a superficial smile and give Melanie a nod.

That is when she makes room for her companion to step in and introduces her to Sydney. "And this is my good friend, Olivia," she says. Her eyes dart to mine, and I know she knows.

She knew, she always goddamn knew that Olivia was my ex. And she never said a word.

Olivia is, well... Olivia. She dials up the charm to eleven and greets Sydney like she's her best friend. "Omg, I love those earrings! And that top, uh, cute!"

Sydney gushes and tries to introduce me, but Olivia interrupts her, "we know each other from high school! How are you, Rhys? It's been a while!" She gives me a peck on the cheek and pauses by my ear.

"Now do you believe me?" she says loud enough only for me to hear.

My heart thumps wildly. Olivia retreats and I can see Melanie studying us carefully.

Sydney, bless her heart as my grandma would say, hasn't a clue what's going on, let alone that there's an entire hurricane brewing.

"We have a table right there," Sydney points, and Clement waves from our booth. "But we're going to dance! Come with us!" she tells the girls.

"I'm going to need some liquid encouragement for that," says Olivia.

I scoff. She's never needed liquid encouragement for anything in her life. She was born overconfident.

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