Chapter 11: Feeling Green in Grand Central

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I check myself out in the mirror: I've got my nicest black hoodie on, the one that hugs my chest and waist. My hair is in decent shape, and I'm wearing the nice jeans Felicity picked out for me last time she was helping me pick an outfit. Since then, these have been dubbed my nice jeans and I wear them every time I need to look like "not a hobo."

One box of macaroons in my hand, I push the Starkey's door open. The bell jingles and the smell of coffee surrounds me. The coffee shop is pretty busy, so it's no wonder I don't spot Sydney right away. I park at a corner table to wait until the crowd clears. At least, that's what I tell myself. The reality is, I am a total coward who's afraid to face the petite blonde fireball.

Ten minutes later there's still no Sydney. I double check the time and date. This should be her shift.

"Excuse me?" I ask the nearest barista. I've seen her with Sydney before. "Is Sydney in?"

The girl gives me a confused look. She chews bubble gum as she talks. "Uh, no. She's gone."

"Did she leave early?" I ask.

"No, dude. She quit."

My jaw drops. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Yeah, I don't know," she drawls. "She said she was done dealing with annoying customers that she never wanted to see again. Don't know what got into her, but whatever. Look," she says impatiently, "are you ordering or what? I have other customers."

A line has formed behind me and I get angry glares as I duck out of the way. Never stand between addicts and their caffeine.

I pull out my phone about to call Preston when I pause. She wouldn't have quit her job just to avoid me, would she?

Don't be so self-centered, Rhys. People's entire world doesn't revolve around you.

Two subway stops and four floors up, I'm knocking on Sydney's door.

Her roommate opens the door. She adjusts her oversized glasses and blinks at me.

"Heya..." I say. Nerdy Turtle is all my brain can think.

"It's Lin," she supplies. "And she's not here." She moves to shut the door.

"Wait!" I stop it with my hand.

Her eyes widen, looking from the door to my face. She looks like she's about to scream or pepper spray me or ninja smack me in the balls. I take a step back.

"Sorry," I say. "Do you know where I can find her?"

She breathes as she stares me down, her nostrils angrily flaring.

"Hello?" I ask. "Did you hear me?"

In the end, the door gets slammed in my face anyway.

"What the hell," I whisper. I try calling Sydney but she's not answering. "What a weird turtle," I mutter to myself and set down the stairs.

It's pretty late by the time Sydney replies to my texts. Well, not all of them. Only the last one, asking how her Tagilvy marketing presentation is going. Presentations are this week. I've got my slot scheduled on Friday. I wonder when Sydney's is.

At the sound of my phone buzzing, I throw myself across the bedroom to grab it.

I dropped it, is all she writes.

I call her immediately, but she doesn't answer.

I toss the phone aside and sigh, staring at the ceiling. "Why won't you talk to me," I say into the quiet room. I mean, I know why, I just wish she would give me a chance to apologize and beg for forgiveness, this time without jalapenos involved.

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