Chapter 1

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Bakugo's POV
7:23am Thursday, March 2nd

"A MASQUERADE BALL?! NO WAY IN HELL AM I FINDING A PARTNER WITHOUT SEEING THEIR FACE!" I slammed my hands on my desk. "We've already sent out the invites for a month from today. Katsuki, you're nearing twenty-one, and we want grandchildren soon." I was getting tired of this. "No, mother, have you forgotten that I am gay. I can adopt, but I'm not getting married to someone I haven't met!" My father sighed "Mitsuki maybe Katsu is right, he can adopt and find love on his own" she glared at him "We've already sent out the invitations and gotten replies already" I sat back down and ran a hand through my hair "how are you going to take care of a child without a partner? Katsuki a child is a lot of responsibility and they need lots of attention from their parents" I rolled my eyes "like you would know. I spent my entire youth with Emi and Shota." They had the audacity to look sheepish. "I can find a lot more time for a child than you two could ever find for me." I pushed a button on my desk "Tsu cancel and reschedule the rest of my meetings today and call the closest orphanage to let them know that I want to adopt a child" she responded quickly and I sent my parents away. After thinking a while, I also asked her to send messages to Emi and Shota.

Timeskip two days

I had two huge rooms made-up for little girls with everything they would want and need. All that was left were clothes and shoes.

I made my way to the orphanage that Tsu told me about "Welcome, Mr. Bakugo, we have been expecting you" a petite brunette smiled "Thank you, uh" "Ochako Uraraka, I'm the head of the eight to ten year olds" I shook her hand and she led me to an office with drawings and framed pictures everywhere. She gathered a stack of papers as we sat down "Alright Mr. Bakugo, it says here you would like to adopt two girls around the age of eight or nine, correct?" I nodded "yes, and I would prefer they would have at least one feature like myself" she wrote something in a notebook and looked back at me "would you be interested in adopting a boy?" I thought a moment. "I would have to think on it," she wrote something else down. "I have a few little ones in mind if you would like to meet them?" I nodded while standing, and she showed me to a big playroom. "Hold on a moment here, and I'll bring them." I sat on one of the chairs next to a play table.

Ochako walked back in with a girl with white blonde hair and big red eyes. "Mr. Bakugo, this is Eri. Eri, this is Mr. Bakugo" she looked between Ochako and I for a few minutes before finally settling on the chair across from me. "Are you here to take me away?" She sounded a bit scared. "If that's what you would like." I hesitated. "If you would rather stay here, I won't be mad." She seemed a bit shocked at my statement. Her eyes brightened. "I would like that very much, Mister!" she said with a bright smile. She jumped out of the chair and gave me a hug. I was shocked but returned the hug. We talked for a while before Ochako took her back to the room she was residing in and told her to pack her things and be ready to go in about an hour. Ochako told me she was going to gather her paperwork and bring the other girl in for me to meet.

She came back with an ashy blonde girl with big brown eyes. "Mr. Bakugo, this is Mahoro. Mahoro, this is Mr. Bakugo" Mahoro sat in the chair across from me "hello sir, are you here to adopt me?" She had the same look in her eyes that I did when I felt let down when my parents didn't show up to my events. "Yes, I am. Would you like that?" Her eyes lit up a bit but dimmed again. "I would like to, but I can't leave my brother behind." I realized why Ochako asked if I'd adopt a boy. She looked at Ochako sadly "Ochako is there any way you could bring him in?" She nodded and radioed for another caregiver to bring the boy. A few minutes later, a boy looking identical to Mahoro walked in and sat beside her. "Mr. Bakugo, this is Katsuma. Katsuma, this is Mr. Bakugo, say hi." The boy pulled his thumb out of his mouth "Hi mister" he waved. "Hello Katsuma, can you tell me how old you are?" He nodded his head and held up four fingers. "You're four? That's so cool! I'm twenty and my birthday is coming up soon, will you come celebrate it with me?" He smiled and nodded his head eagerly, "Will there be cake? Oh, and ice cream?" He looked excited "Yes there will, and there will be lots and lots of food too." I smiled back. I saw Ochako wipe a few tears away "Okay children, get back to your rooms and start your packing. I have to speak with Mr. Bakugo some more." we all stood and followed Ochako.

After sending a quick text to add an extra room for a boy and signing all the proper paperwork, we were headed home. I made it my job to show the kids where they would be living from now on.
Safe to say that they loved how big the house was. I showed them each their own rooms and bathrooms. "I get to have my own room? And bathroom?" Eri asked. "Of course you do, I don't have five bedrooms for nothing." I kneeled down to her height. "Katsuma and Mahoro have their own as well. We just need you guys to design and fill your rooms with what you want." I stood back up and continued the tour of the other rooms upstairs.

Since it was still early, I decided they needed new wardrobes and they should pick out things for their new rooms. "What color would you like your rooms to be painted?" I asked, putting my shoes on. "I would like mine to be pink." "Red, please." "I think blue would be pretty." I nodded and smiled at them. "Then that is what you'll get." I called a few places, and painters came to paint the rooms and bathrooms, a furniture store would be privately opened at five, many clothing stores would give us private access from the time we arrive until the time we leave, a shoe store would temporarily close until we left, a toy store would close for us to browse through all day, McDonald's would bring us an array of foods when I called, and an ice cream parlor would give us a private place to eat. After putting Katsuma's shoes on and straightening Mahoro's pigtails, we headed to one of my car garages "woah you have so many cars!" Katsuma awed "yes I do. Which one would you like to ride in?" He was practically vibrating out of his shoes. "I wanna ride in that one!" He pointed at my 2023 Nissan GTR. "Okay, Eri, Mahoro, who wants to sit in the front seat?" They looked at each other and back at me.  "Maharo can, I don't like the front seat." I forgot any that when they got into my other Nissan. I grabbed the keys, and we headed off.

I didn't realize how excited they would be getting new things and seeing the inside of a furniture store. I let them pick any and everything they wanted. It would all be sent straight to the house and set up immediately. I wondered how they would react to the clothing and toy stores. When they were done there, we went to the toy store where their eyes sparkled even more. I told them the same thing I did in the furniture store "Go crazy and buy as much as you want" both Mahoro and Katsuma ran through every isle while Eri stayed by my leg "Eri why arent you going with them?" I asked, brushing her hair back. "I don't really want toys. My uncle said there are usless items that are for babies." I felt my heart shatter. "Eri toys are for any age. I'm twenty, and I still have some toys from my childhood. I even still have my stuffed dog sitting on my bed," she giggled. "You have a stuffed dog? Can I see it?" I nodded. "Of course you can. His name is Dori." she finally let go of my pent leg and slowly walked down each aisle. While they went crazy I decided to look for the best elementary school for them to go to "Katsuma's birthday is March sixth which is coming up in two days, I'll have to set up a birthday for him and maybe an adoption party soon, Eri's birthday is December twenty first so it's close to Christmas, and Mahoro's birthday is December sixth so it'll be right before they let out for Christmas break. That should be easy enough to remember, but just in case, I'll let Tsu know and hire a party planner for both events." I sent her a quick text to put in her calendar. All three children ran back over with giant stuffed animals to show me. Eri got a patchwork bunny, Mahoro got a strawberry pink cow, and Katsuma got an Eyeore that was bigger than he was


I forgot how exhausting it was to be out shopping all day. When we walked back into the house, I was carrying a sleeping Eri in one arm and a half-awake Katsuma in the other "thank you for carrying their toys Ro, it's getting late so we should get teeth brushed and jammies on" she nodded and smiled at the nickname. I carried the sleepy children to their rooms to get changed and then went to my own to change.

I heard a small knock on my door. Opening it, I saw all three children holding up a storybook. "Can you read to us?" Katsuma yawned."Of course I can, come in." I opened the door wider, and they all got comfortable on my bed. I moved Katsuma to my lap and grabbed the book. "Once upon a time, in a far away land, there was castle in the sky. The castle was rumored to be made completely out of gold, and a sweet melody was always heard from a window at the very tippy top of the highest tower. The townsfolk whispered about a beautiful maiden hidden away behind those golden gates..." I looked down and Katsuma was the only one holding on to consciousness "go to sleep sweet prince" I kissed his head and laid him beside his sisters "I guess we're all sleeping together tonight" I sighed before closing my eyes and drifting off as well.

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