Chapter ½-The Other One

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Izuku's POV
10:48am Sunday March 5th

Finally, back in Japan, I can now adopt my little Eri like I promised all those years ago. I walked out of the airport with a little more pep in my step. After calling a cab, I let myself relax a bit. "Where to kid?" I gave him the address to my mother's house and sent her a quick text that I was on my way.

I was greeted with a hug and tons of kisses from my petite mother "Izuku how could you leave for Finland for two years? Don't you know how much I missed you?" She cried into my chest "yes mom, I'm sorry. I just needed to get away for a while. You remember what happened, right?" She nodded and wiped her tears. "I know, I know, but you could've at least called or sent a text or even just a picture. I was so worried after what happened, and then you disappeared without a word to anyone." I felt bad for leaving, but it had to be done for me to be sane again. I brushed a few tears off of her face. "Would you like to accompany me to the orphanage? I'm sure Eri and the others would love to see you." we walked back inside and got ready to leave.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S BEEN ADOPTED?!" I felt my whole world crumble. "What about Mahoro and Katsuma?" I asked in almost a whisper. Ochako looked afraid to answer, and she gulped. "They've been adopted as well." That was another shot to the heart "well can you at least tell me who they went to?" She looked at me sympathetically. "It was a closed adoption, so I cannot give you any information regarding the children, but I can tell you that they are happy." I sighed a bit defeated, thanked her, and left.

My mother tried to talk to me when I got in the car "Izu maybe it just wasn't meant to be. You're a single man who just turned twenty-two last year. Maybe it's best that you don't take in a child when you don't even have your own car, job, or place yet." I grunted my mood worsening by the minute.

When we got out, I stomped my way up to my room. "I don't want any lunch, I have no appetite." I slammed my door shut and cried into my pillow for the rest of the day. I woke up around midnight, starving and thirsty, I stumbled my way to the kitchen to get a drink of water. Checking my phone, I replied to a few texts and decided to scroll Instagram until I felt sleepy again. I saw a post from some gossip news page and was immediately awake

Mr. Katsuki Bakugo is seen with children and shuts down stores to buy everything.

Open to see more!

I opened the post to see a blurry video of a tall person with small bloob's entering a store. These gossip pages really need to get better cameras or stop lying to the public. I read the many comments on the post

Bunniee: I don't trust anything these stupid pages post

AMVLOVER12: It's too blurry to even tell that they're people. I call it a hoax until he releases this news to the public himself

Moocowyes!67: I did see him in his car driving, but the windows were so tinted that I couldn't see anyone inside

Fxckcrews1: I agree to let him tell the public himself if he even wants to. There's a rumor around that he's hosting a few parties soon

Missmeee47: Maybe he will address the rumors there

Hoddieee: he's hot and young, so he wouldn't be adopting children at this age

OneluvMHA: I'd fuck him if he didn't adopt children

I stopped reading when they got too weird and off subject but they kept me wondering if he actually did adopt or if people don't have lives so they make shit up. I fell asleep thinking about maybe the video was AI generated or something.

The next morning, I went to breakfast and apologized to my mother about my behavior yesterday. "So I was thinking about finding a job soon," I played with my spoon "well what did you have in mind? Your degree can only get you a few jobs, and all of them are in the medical field," I sighed. "I can't go into the field just yet. I have to do a test run in a hospital before I can be a Primary care doctor for children" I rubbed my eyes "why is it so hard to find a good job that I can start right away" I pulled in my unruly curls "Izuku you should have done the test run in Finland, you could've already gotten the job as a primary and started tomorrow" my mother said cleaning up her plate "now I have to go to work, please call a few hospitals for an interview or at least go find a small time job" she grabbed her purse, kissed my head, and walked out the door. I groaned but got up and cleaned my dishes before going online to search for a job.

After two hours of applying to cafes and fast food places, I got sidetracked on BHA News and saw that Mr. Bakugo was hosting a small party tonight and another bigger party next weekend. "It must be nice to be able to throw away money like that," I grumbled before throwing my phone on the opposite side of the couch.

I paced the living room for another hour before I got a notification on my phone. I dove across the couch only to see that it was a text from Kirishima.

Kiri: I heard that you were back in town, man. we should totally go drinking with the gang tonight!

Izu: I'd love to, what time? And where?

Kiri: it'll be around 8 at the usual spot

I looked to see it was approaching six pm, so I hurriedly replied

Izu: Can I get a ride? I only have enough money to get myself one drink🥲

Kiri: I was betting on tht lmaoo😂 I'll get you around 7:30 that gud?

I said it was and scrambled to get ready.  Once I had put my wallet in my pocket, I heard a car honking outside. I saw Kiri, Denki, and Momo in the car with him. I plopped in the backseat and greeted my friends.

The nightclub was so loud and packed that we barely got a table to ourselves. We made small talk about my time in Finland before Momo told us that she was going to Mr. Bakugo's party next weekend. "How do you even get access to those types of things?" She laughed. "I was invited by him because we are business partners. It's an exclusive event, so I'm only allowed to bring Kyoka since she's one of his friends and get this we have to keep the events of these parties hush hush or we'll be stripped of any deals we have with him" I groaned "how do you become friends with such a powerful being? Stripped? That's so crazy." I heard Denki complain. "His parties are just business deals. He doesn't do things just for fun, y'know." we all silently left it at that and started another conversation about something I wasn't paying any attention to. When I got home, it was really late, and I just showered, changed, and passed out until the next afternoon.

A/n So, like, I didn't mean for this, not chapter, to be so long. I just wanted to show the other side of how this shit might go.

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