Chapter 4

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Katsuki's POV
Sunday March 14th 7:15am

"KATSUMA, ERI, IT'S TIME TO GO! HURRY DOWN HERE AND GET YOUR SHOES ON!" I yelled up the stairs for the third time this morning. "Kat, let me go get them, and you finish getting Mao ready." Sho kissed my head and walked upstairs. "Do you like Mr. Shoto dad?" I knelt down and put Ro's shoes on. "I do, we used to be together, but he had to move far away, so we had to separate for a bit." she smiled and patted my head while I tied her shoes.

After we all loaded into Sho's car and headed to BANH News Station. We were met with paparazzi and bodyguards. We parked around back and were ushered into a dressing room. "Ms. Takeyama will be interviewing you today at nine. Normally, Ms. Kayama does it, but she's out sick." A dirty blonde woman said. "If you need anything, my name is Camie." she winked at me and left. I felt chills run up my spine "daddy I think she likes you," Suma said. "I think so too, but she's creepy," Eri reiterated. "I think she's creepy too, Shortcake," Sho agreed, making them giggle.

Sunday March 14th 9:00 am

"And our next segment is going to be an interesting one, Mr. Katsuki Bakugo, everyone!" I heard as I walked onto the set. Cheers and vulgar wishes were thrown my way. "Good morning, Mr. Bakugo, I heard that you requested an interview and have exciting news for us today," she said excitedly. "Good morning, Ms. Takayama, I have very exciting news to share, but before that, I heard you had some questions for me" I sat on the long couch. She practically bounced out of her seat. "Yes, yes, yes I do, and so does the audience if that's all right with you." I nodded my head, and she asked right away.

A=audience member

T: Okay, first question, everyone is wondering why so secretive all of a sudden? You used to be in the public eye every day

K: I've been pretty busy as of late, and part of it will be answered in my news later

T: There are some photos floating around the internet of you and some children at a carnival. Is this related to your news?

K: it is, so I will not be giving much information about the rumors and pictures until afterward

T: Alrighty now we'll take some questions from the audience

A: Are you single?

K: I am in a relationship now, so I'm off the market, ladies

A: Who are you dating? Do we know them?

K: I am in a loving relationship with Shoto Todoroki

A: Wasn't he out of the country? Did you do long distance?

K: we had split when he left but recently rekindled the relationship

T: we would take more questions, but we're going to have to move on to this exciting news

I sat up straighter. "I would love for some special guests to come out here and sit with me on this couch." I saw Sho guiding the children to me. "Daddy!" "Dad!"Papa!" I heard before three sets of tiny arms wrapped around me "Love" I felt Sho kiss my hand. "This is my exciting news, I adopted three children who I will raise as my own, and hopefully, they will follow in my footsteps and become my successors." I heard aww's and praises from the audience as my children situated themselves.

Eri and Mahoro squeezed onto my lap, and Katsuma decided to sit on Sho and play with his hair. "Now, who are these cuties?" I looked at Sho. "This is Eri, Maharo, and Katsuma Bakugo. Say hi to everyone." they waved and smiled at the cameras, "so the secrecy and dodging the spotlight was to spend time with family? That's so sweet," I grinned. "I wanted to spend as much alone time as I could before presenting them to the world as celebrity children." Sho held my slightly shaky hand, "so the pictures and rumors going around were correct?" She questioned. "I suppose they were. The blurry video was of me and the children, and the pictures were from Katsuma's birthday."

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