Chapter 2

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Bakugo's POV
5:04am Saturday March 6th

I finally got them all to sleep in their own rooms so I could wake up at the ass crack of dawn to set up Suma's birthday party, make breakfast, and bake his cake. I had cooks make the dinner for his party while the maids and butlers decorated the backyard and locked the doors to the pool house.

It was around nine when Maharo padded to the breakfast table. "g'mornin dad, what's for breakfast?" Her yawn was infectious as I began to yawn too, "Mornin Ro. It's all of Suma's favorites today" she nodded and sat down at the breakfast table. I smiled at Eri as she walked down the stairs with her eyes half closed "good morning papa" she came to give me a hug "mornin' sweets, open your eyes a little more so you can see" she rubbed her eyes so they'd open more.

She shuffled over to sit beside Ro "anyway Ro we're eating scrambled eggs with bacon and waffles. Today, eat as much whipped cream as you want since it's a celebration." they cheered lazily when we all heard Katsuma run down the stairs. "Good morning, Daddy. Guess what day it is!" He hugged my leg and jumped up and down "hmm is it Tuesday?" He shook his head. "Is it a school day?" He shook his head again. "Then I dunno Suma, what day is it?" Suma gave the Flash a run for his money with how fast he was jumping. "It's my birthday, Daddy! I'm five now!" I picked him up and tossed him in the air. "It IS your birthday! You're a big boy now! I made you your favorite breakfast, so go sit with your sisters while I bring the food over." I put him down, and he practically jumped into his seat across from Ro. I heard both girls wish him a happy birthday as I brought each tray of food over.

At noon, I told them that I rented out a carnival for Suma and the friends from the orphanage he wanted to bring along. We met Ochako again, and she wished Suma a happy birthday with the other children. We spent a total of four hours at the carnival before they all began to get sleepy, and Ro got grumpy. Ochako and I bid each other goodbye until the party tonight, and I took the sleepy children home to take a nap before the birthday dinner party we had planned.

I had clothes custom made for all the children that arrived an hour before the party, along with my parents, Yuuga, and Mina. I internally groaned but welcomed them inside anyway. "You didn't tell us that you adopted a child! Let alone three of them! Katsuki, what were you thinking?" My mother yelled "I was thinking that I was lonely and that having more then one child would be a fun challenge" my mothers face was red with rage "Katsuki you cannot be a single father to THREE children! I will not stand here and accept this." I glared at her, "then don't! You are very welcome to leave. If you are going to be a hindrance to this party, I'll ask you to leave now before the children see you. I have three very fun and loving children. I will not stand to be berated in my own home. Mother, you will leave right now! Father, if you wish, you may stay and meet them, but if you stand by Mothers side, I will not allow you to meet them ever" my mother fumed before rampaging out the door with my father following after her. Mina and Yuuga just stood there frozen. "Are you both going to leave too? If so, just leave the clothes, and I'll figure out their hair by myself." Mina grabbed my arm. "No! You can't!" She shrieked. "I was just shocked that you finally stood up to your parents, is all." Yuuga agreed with her before they both stepped into the living room. "They should be waking up soon. I took them to the carnival to tire them out before dinner." I heard multiple footsteps racing down the stairs at that time, "see? I have their schedules memorized perfectly." I got up and ushered them into the room. "Maharo, Katsuma, Eri, these are my friends, Mina and Yuuga. Be polite and say hello." they all said hello in unison, and Mina squealed again. "They're so adorable, and oh my goodness, they have such pretty names too" Suma backed up behind my leg a little bit and grabbed my pant leg "it's okay Suma, they're really nice once you get to know them" I guided them over to the couch opposite Mina and Yuuga.

All my stress melted away at seeing my beautiful children in their dresses and suit "look Daddy! We're princesses!" Maharo did a twirl while Eri giggled at her "yes you are! And you're both gorgeous princesses!" I gave them each a kiss on the head, "and Katsuma, you look so handsome in your suit. Do you like it?" He popped his thumb in his mouth and nodded his head. I kissed his head and went to put my suit on. When I walked back to the front room, Eri and Maharo told me I was very handsome. It made me happy, and then the doorbell rang, "Here we go. Are you guys ready?" A maid opened the door, and all of Katsuma's friends walked in wearing outfits I sent to Ochako. "Don't you all look adorable?" Mina squeezed the first child she saw. "Alright, everyone tell Katsuma happy birthday and thank Mr. Bakugo for letting us come to his home," Ochako said, walking in last. "As long as Suma's happy, you're welcome to come again." I led everyone to the backyard where the party began.

Timeskip cause I don't feel like writing about a birthday party at 1:30 am

Bakugo's POV

The children could only stay about three hours in order to be back in time for cerfew. Katsuma was a bit sad, but I reminded him that they could come back when they had more time.

All three of my children were ready to go to sleep when all the decorations were taken down and food was put away. Teeth were brushed baths were had, and jammies were put on. I sat in each of their rooms and read one chapter of a book of their choosing. Suma chose Winnie The Pooh, Sweets chose Goodnight Moon, and Ro chose Little Critters: It's time to go to bed. By the time I made it back to my room, I was barely awake enough to change and brush my own teeth. Birthdays were a lot of work, and I'll gladly wait until December to plan more. I scrolled my socials before passing out with my phone on my chest.

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