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Aradhana takes a deep breath and tries to calm her nerves. She looks at herself in the mirror, her eyes brimming with tears. She never imagined that she would have to get married to a man she barely knew, just for the sake of her mother.

She hears a knock on the door and Tanvi's voice: 'Aradhana, are you ready? The Khurana family has arrived, and your mother wants us to go to the garden area.'

Aradhana takes a moment to compose herself and then opens the door. Tanvi's eyes widen in surprise as she sees Aradhana in her beautiful lehenga. 'Oh my God, you look stunning!' Tanvi exclaims.

 'Oh my God, you look stunning!' Tanvi exclaims

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(Aradhana's Look)

Aradhana gives a weak smile and says, 'Thanks, but I don't feel like wearing this. I don't want to get married, Tanvi. I wish there was some way out.'

Tanvi puts a comforting hand on Aradhana's shoulder and says, 'I know, but we have to do this for Aunty. And who knows, maybe this marriage will turn out to be a blessing in disguise.'

Aradhana nods, not fully convinced. She follows Tanvi to the garden area, where the Khurana family is waiting. She sees her mother, who looks relieved and happy. Her mother comes to her and hugs her tightly. 'Aru beta, you look so beautiful. I am so proud of you.'

Aradhana's heart breaks at her mother's words. She knows her mother only wants the best for her, but she can't help but feel trapped in this situation. She greets the Khurana family with a forced smile and sits next to the groom, Rishabh.


Rishabh's engagement was just around the corner, and he was getting dressed in his room while his friend Manish came to visit him. Manish couldn't help but admire Rishabh's handsome looks and said, 'Bro, you look hot. Bhabhi will keep staring at you.' Rishabh rolled his eyes and replied, 'Shut up, Manish. I've told you before that I'm not interested in this marriage. And please don't call her Bhabhi. She's not your sister-in-law.'

(Rishabh's Look)

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(Rishabh's Look)

Manish chuckled and said, 'Okay, bro. Let's go. Your grandmother is downstairs.' Rishabh joined his family in the living room and was instantly filled with anger when he saw his mother and her husband. His grandmother noticed his mood and told him to calm down. 'Rishabh, they are family. We can't avoid them,' she said.

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