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Rishabh Khurana

Rishabh opened his eyes as the alarm next to his bed blared at 5 o'clock in the morning

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Rishabh opened his eyes as the alarm next to his bed blared at 5 o'clock in the morning. He sat up and rubbed his eyes before getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom. He went through his usual morning routine of brushing his teeth, taking a shower, and getting dressed. By 5:30 a.m., he was ready to hit the gym.

Rishabh's apartment had a gym facility, so he didn't have to go far. He pushed himself through a grueling workout, pushing his body to the limit. He was determined to be in the best shape possible, both physically and mentally.

By 7:30 a.m., Rishabh was back in his apartment, feeling invigorated and ready for the day. He quickly got dressed and headed to the kitchen, where his grandmother was already sitting on the breakfast table. Rishabh's mother's family lived in another house, and he only met them once a week. He hated them and avoided them as much as possible. However, his grandmother insisted on having a formal dinner with them once a week, and he couldn't refuse her.

After having breakfast with his grandmother, Rishabh headed to the office. He reached there at 9:30 a.m., his usual time. He was known for being rude and arrogant, with no emotional attachment to anyone. He was solely focused on the Khurana empire, and nothing else mattered to him. He finished his work at 7:00 p.m. and then met his friend (Manish) for dinner. They discuss business matters, but Rishabh doesn't engage in any personal conversations or jokes. He has become a shell of his former self, no longer laughing or enjoying life.

This routine has been Rishabh's life for the past few years. He used to be a successful YouTuber and even sang a song in the past. But due to his troubled past, he gave up on his dreams and focused solely on the Khurana empire. Even YouTube has become a distant memory for him.

As Rishabh heads back to his apartment late at night, he can't help but feel a sense of emptiness. He knows he has shut himself off from the world, but he doesn't know how to let anyone in. His past has scarred him, and he has built a wall around himself to protect his heart.


Aradhana Joshi 

Aradhana Joshi 

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Aradhana's alarm clock rang at 7:00 a.m., but she simply turned it off and snuggled deeper into her blankets. Her mother's voice called out from the kitchen, 'Aradhana, it's time to wake up! You're going to be late for work!'

Aradhana groaned and replied, 'Just 2 more minutes, mom. I was up late last night finishing my makeup assignments.'

Her mother shook her head and muttered to herself, 'This girl will never change. Always making excuses for her laziness.'

Finally, after an hour of snoozing her alarm, Aradhana dragged herself out of bed and went through her morning routine. She had breakfast with her mother, who couldn't resist teasing her about her future marriage.

'What will happen when you get married, Aradhana? Will you make your husband wait for an hour every morning?' Her mother asked with a knowing smile.

Aradhana rolled her eyes and replied, 'We'll see when the time comes, mom. Let's not worry about that now.'

She quickly got dressed and left for work, reaching there at 10:00 a.m. Aradhana loved her job as a makeup artist. She was passionate about it and had a natural talent for it. She spent the day working on different clients, transforming their looks with her makeup skills.

As the day went by, Aradhana's mind kept wandering to her best friend, Tanvi. They had been best friends since childhood, and Aradhana made sure to give her a call during her break to catch up on each other's lives.

'Hey, Tanvi! How's your day going?' Aradhana asked as she sat down for her lunch break.

'It's been hectic, as always. How about you?' Tanvi replied.

Aradhana gave her a rundown of her day, and they both giggled and shared some gossip. After a quick 15-minute chat, Aradhana had to get back to work.

The day flew by, and before she knew it, it was 8:00 p.m. Aradhana packed up and headed home, feeling tired but satisfied with her work. As soon as she entered her house, she saw her mother in the kitchen, cooking dinner.

'Hey, mom! Need any help?' Aradhana asked, already knowing the answer.

Her mother smiled and replied, 'No, dear. I'm almost done. Why don't you freshen up, and we'll have dinner together?

After dinner, Aradhana helped her mother with the dishes and then sat down to relax. She called up Tanvi again and gave her an update on her day.

As she got ready for bed, Aradhana's mother came into her room to say goodnight. Aradhana hugged her and said, 'Thanks for always being there for me, mom. I don't know what I would do without you.'

Her mother hugged her back and replied, 'That's what mothers are for, dear. Now get some rest. You have another busy day tomorrow.'

Aradhana smiled, feeling grateful for her mother's love and support, and went to bed, already looking forward to the next day's adventures.


Will Aradhana break the wall that Rishabh has built around himself to protect his heart?

What is your first impression of Rishabh and Aradhana?

This is my first story, and I have no experience in writing. So please avoid the mistakes and give your kind feedback so I can get some motivation to write further.

Pictures were taken from Pinterest. 

Do follow me on Wattpad and Instagram - kiaraa_writer 

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