Chapter VIII

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The voice of the Book is ancient and gravelly.

I've never seen, let alone heard, it speak before. I glance over at Nyx. He's as still as death, his face drained of color. Is it because of what the Book said? That it's been waiting for him? The Prince of Oblivion.

If this has anything to do with why my brother has been acting weird lately, he has some serious explaining to do. I told myself I wouldn't push him to tell me anything, but I'm starting to think that we're well past that. If the Book of Breathings is now involved...

And Nyx isn't the only one it mentioned.

Princess of Stars.

That's me. I have no doubt. It said those two titles when Nyx and I arrived at Amren's apartment. Who else could it be referring to? I don't think it's just Nyx's problem anymore.

"Well, that's a new one," Amren comments dryly. She twists on the couch so that she's facing the Book. It sits closed on her bed. Athen and Anein swallow nervously and get up off of the couch, leaving Amren's side. They were so excited to see her, their favorite member of the family. But not anymore. Not after hearing the Book. The twins scurry over to me and Nyx, tugging on our hands.

"Can we go?" Athen whispers to me.

I've never known my cousins to be fearful of anything. It's simply not in their nature. And seeing them afraid now makes my senses go on high alert. My magic responding to the thought of needing to protect my little cousins. It stalks under my skin like a silent predator, looking for any threat to me or those I love.

"It won't harm you," Amren tells them, turning back around to face us. "I will not allow it to. It's just spewing nonsense." Her silver eyes cut to Nyx. "Though, I wonder if that's true, given how you look like someone has just punched you in the gut and then kicked your puppy."

Nyx indeed looks like he's been punched - though that last part might be a stretch. Snapping out of whatever stupor hearing the Book put him in, my brother takes a deep breath and tries for a cocky smirk, but it's so forced that I want to clamp my hand over his mouth to spare everyone, including himself, from its awkwardness.

"I'm fine," he says. But I'm not convinced that he is. Neither is Amren, from the look she gives him.

The Fae female narrows her eyes and surveys Nyx with predatory focus. Seeming to try to see straight through him.

Athen grips my hand, her fingernails digging into my skin. Anein holds one of Nyx's hands, trading glances with her sister every few seconds.

"You know something," Amren decides. "What is it, boy?"

I watch Nyx carefully. He opens his mouth as if to speak, but then he closes it again and swallows nervously.

The time is now. You have much to learn, Prince of Oblivion.

The Book speaks again and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, a chill running down my spine. It's not even talking to me, but I can feel its aura of power. We all can.

Anein tugs gently a few times on my brother's hand and he finally tears his gaze off of the Book and looks down at her. She whispers, "I want to go home."

"Me too," Athen echoes quietly.

I look at Amren, who is still studying Nyx with narrowed eyes. "We should go." I'm about to usher my brother and cousins out the door, but Amren has other ideas.

She stands in one smooth motion. "No one is leaving here until Nyx tells me what he knows about the Book."

Nyx's nostrils flare angrily. "I don't know anything," he snaps, the punched in the gut expression he had a moment before is gone. "I know that it's tied to the Cauldron. I know that my mom united both halves of the Book to try to nullify the Cauldron." His voice rises. "I know that it contains the spell you used to transform into the being of fire and light that you once were. And I know that it's ancient and powerful and not to be messed with."

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