(old and crummy) DONATELLO

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This one is older and I'll write a newer version.....someday

One Shots:

If you ever say he's wrong or do something stupid he'll hold your head down on to the bed and tell you how you're wrong as he fucks you. (Smut based on this)

Aftercare? What's that?? He doesn't know unless you tell him but after you do he is the best at it.

Consent is his favorite thing and you two have a safe word(s).... it's nerd emoji.

Will never let you top

Smut time lol

Donatello was being the biggest nerd ever and sitting on his computer, per usual. You walked behind him to see what he was doing and all you saw were pictures of you. "You're really in love with me huh?" You said jokingly as you pulled up a chair next to him. He kissed your cheek before replying, "More than you'll ever know <3" you both kissed for a moment before returning to your original activities.
As you watched his mouse and eyes go back and forth across the screen you began wondering what you could get away with..

At the beginning of the relationship he quickly stated he was the top. At any moment you misbehaved or even in the slightest acted like a brat he would quickly put you in your place. It was like a master and pet situation. You never had any problems with consent either, he was good at reading your emotions and never made any advances without being sure. Your safe word was "nerd emoji" or just sometimes "nerd"

As you started to study his computer he started doing math problems that you couldn't even comprehend. "You're wrong" you said flatly. You're wrong and you knew that but you wanted to see how far you could get with him. He glared over at you and gave a fake disapproving look. "You sure about that?" He pointed at the screen and he was right. "Yes, very." You crossed your arms and looked away. He turned himself fully towards you and pulled the chair you were in up to him so you were both very close. "You really want to go there huh?" He smirked at you and grabbed your face. "Maybe"

[Smut brought to you by my strawberry allergy]

Your arousal at the situation already showed with the clear erection in your pants. Precum caused your shorts to have a small wet stain on them. Donatello took note of it and chuckled at you. "Look at this..all hard for me pet?" He pulled your shorts and underwear down and your erection twitched at the sudden exposure. He gripped it tightly and began pumping it up and down, your moans were like a symphony to him that he would never get tired of. "Louder." He commanded as he went faster. You obeyed and moaned as loud as you could. Your dick began to twitch in Donatello's hand, you were about to cum.

He let go.

He lowered his head down to your ass and he began to lick and tease your hole. "I'd better get you ready manually since we have no lube." He began to eat you out as if he was some feral beast having its meal. Your legs bucked slightly at his tongue occasionally slipping in. You put your thighs around his head and pushed his face into your ass more in hopes of getting more pleasure out of it. "Oh..Donny...m~more~" you moaned his name quietly as your jerked yourself off. You went slowly at first but the more he rimmed you the faster your wrist went. Your breath became shaky and your thigh grip on him got weaker as you started to reach your climax. He once again edged you and stood up. He pulled his boxers down to expose his throbbing erection. "Take this like the brat you are." He put his hand around your neck gripping enough for it to feel good but not enough to choke you. He inserted himself inside of you and you let out a gasp of pleasure as he used his free hand to grip your legs up so he could get a good view of your ass as he fucked you. "Oh look at this ass..." he smacked your ass before continuing, "I love fucking your tight little hole" you could only nod because moans came out of your mouth. No words. You came onto your stomach and your dinosaur shirt and he spread your legs open and fucked you harder. Hs thrust got sloppier as he came closer to cumming inside you, he pulled out and came on your face. Lovely.

He cleaned you both up and immediately got back to working on a new robot.

He never learned aftercare.

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