(FLUFF!!) Sweet Loving

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You were jobless until just a day ago. You found the job online, it was a job as a mechanic for an old animation studio. Why the old place needed you was a question you always asked but hey, it's free money.

You opened the door to the old facility and the inside looked like a nightmare. Ink was everywhere. As you walked through the place you saw lots, and I mean lots, of tiny ink demon cutouts and drawings. Your memories soon came back as you recognized the demon as Bendy. You looked at old tapes and drawings in awe at the amount of care put into the art. The sound of ink dripping filled your ear as you finally began making your way through the facility once more.

You went around the corner and in the corner of your eye saw a figure. It looked humanoid but the head looked like it was covered with a mask....The figure walked closer to you and your breathing got heavier. As it came closer it passed under a light....it was.....

"A FURRY?!" you yelled out as the dog creature jumped back afraid it had scared you. "H-hello!! Are you lost friend?" The dog asked you with a sweet smile and voice. You felt oddly safe around the dog thing and you calmed down. "No I uh...I work here" you sat for a moment and thought about your situation. There was a weird looking furry that looked like a cartoon talking to you right now... are you high? Did you take your meds??

You both said your names and "Boris" explained everything and why things are the way they are. Your came there every day and Boris was there to greet you and make you feel safe. Normally you worked the day shift but tonight you worked the night shift. You sat working on a pipe that was broken. You let out a soft yawn as Boris sat behind you with his tail wagging. "You tired? Hungry? Wanna play patty cake?!" Boris continued to name fun activities you could do but you simply set your things down and looked at him tiredly. He stopped naming things and pulled you on to him. "If you want..we can just cuddle! That's fun too!!" He looked down at you hoping for conformation that he could touch you in this way and you simply nodded and snuggled into his overall covered chest. He was soft.

The room filled with the sounds of you and Boris's soft snores. He turned on to his side and spooned you. You placed your hand on his and his tail wagged as he snuggled your face into your neck. "Love you buddy" you looked at him and smiled before replying, "Love you too bud"

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