(Fluff) Admitting my love to you part 1

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Teasing you lol

You and Genya were friends. Not that close but close enough that he would walk you home after training. He uses a gun to fight instead of the normal sword but at this point with all the hashira using different odd weapons there truly is no "normal weapon". Today was like no other and you two were walking home but you were very sore from training.

Halfway through the walk you had to stop and sit. You winced in pain and held your leg. You were training under Sanamei and he had you running long distances today. He said it was to make sure you could run to the demon's area quickly. Genya looked at you for a moment as you sat before sitting next to you. You both sat in silence for a moment before you started laughing. "You usually threaten to leave me here if I ever stopped, what changed?" You smiled and Genya and he sighed before giving you a dry response, "It's hot that's all". You sat in silence again before he grabbed some ice out of a small bag he carried  around and put it on your leg. You looked at him in shock before smiling and whispering a thanks.

You sat there together watching the sun set behind the mountain you both had to do your first ever trial on. "You hungry?" He pulled out some rice balls with teriyaki sauce and sesame seeds on it. (Made it up but I bet it's good) He gave you a few an popped one into his mouth a chewed slowly. "So that girl..is she anything to you?" You were talking about a girl he had been training with recently that was obviously interested in him. You spoke to her about it once and she admitted her jealousy towards you and how you had a connection to him. Genya rolled his eyes and that made you glad. "She's honestly annoying, she's only there to get to me an it's obvious. Her technique is shitty and her form is sloppy." You smiled as you listen to him ramble about how he hated the girl and how she was a horrible swordsman. You rest your head on your hand and looked at him smiling. His rambling stopped and he looked at you and blushed, "Sorry I'm rambling, I just really hard the bitch."

You both sat in silence for a moment before he continued, "But I don't hate you. I love you. But she's just so annoying..." His rambling continued but something he said kept running through your head like a race horse on a treadmill. 'I love you.' admittedly you did like him, you liked him a lot. You moved closer to him and cupped his face his your hand (like putting your hand on his cheek). "I love you too" "what?"

With that you kissed him gently and backed away far enough to dodge a punch you thought would be thrown at you but instead you were pulled back to him and kissed. The kiss was passionate and long and you put your arms on his shoulders and let yourself melt in his arms. Genya pulled away and looked you in the eyes with a look full of love, not like the one he normally gave you. "I love you y/n.." he kissed you once more and you both kissed until ...


Part 2 coming out some day

I saw my friend's pfp change and I remembered Genya existed...finally lol (I haven't watched the new seasons yet but they look epic)

see you soon my touch deprived readers❤️


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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