(FEMALE) Work place distractions

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This will be set in my au where Micheal is alive and works in the pizzaplex and where he is killed there instead of in the early games.

I <3 Some white boys but not all

Your POV

You were a new hire at the Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. It was a popular kid's place in town and it honestly reminded you of a Chuck-E-Cheese with a few extra steps. You worked the nightshift mainly. You watched the cameras and occasionally walked around as security. You never worked alone, you had Vanessa and a guy named Micheal working with you. You were cool with both of them. You heard that Micheal was only hired because of his father's connections to the franchise which made you question if he was even qualified to work here.

Tonight you were making your rounds around the Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex™ and you happened to find Micheal running the cameras. Vanessa wasn't here so it was just you two. You walked passed the office and shrugged when you saw him flinch suddenly at your presence. "Hey Mike" you waved at him and looked at him puzzled "H-Hey Y/N..." He gripped the hat that was in his lap and gave a honestly weird looking smile.

You shrugged it off and kept walking around. Sooner or later you started hearing odd sounds...

Michael's POV

"y-y/n....y/n~" I quietly moaned their name as I gripped the base of my cock and jerked off faster. I wanted- no. I needed her. I always watched her from afar and it only made me crave her more. We talked a lot but that's not enough for me. Everyday when I see her talking to male guest I look on in envy of those men. They don't even deserve her eye contact let alone her presence. As my thoughts of her became more erotic my hand motions went faster and faster and my moans became louder. I need her. I ran my fingers through my hair imagining it was her as I thrusted into my hand as I almost reach my climax but I'm interrupted by a familiar and intoxicating voice.

"MICHEAL WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" I jump in my chair and pull my jacket over my now edged cock. "Y-Y/n! I thought you left already-" I tried to stutter out an excuse but I saw her facial expression go from one of disgust to one filled with lust and desire. Are my dreams coming true? Who would be aroused by this? I would...

My mind wandered into the thought of her doing lewd things in her office and my cock twitched under my jacket. She walked over slowly and looked down. I looked up at her and couldn't hold in my feelings any longer. "Oh Y/n~"

I fell to my knees and looked up at her. " I can't live without you, I need you. I feel so many emotions for you that I can't even express fully " I continued to sit on my knees. Like a dog. I praised her and begged for her to reciprocate the feelings. " I want to feel the inside of you and I want to hear you moan... " She just looked down at me for a moment before sitting on the table and crossing her legs as she looked down at me. She looked divine. " So this is how you feel about me? " She asked and I nodded quickly in response. " Well, go on. Keep going. " I looked up at her with confusion until she pointed at my erect cock that was twitching and leaking precum. My eyes lit up and I gripped myself and quickly jerked myself off. I moaned her name and praises for her under my breath as I gripped her leg.

" Oh? Instead of gripping it why don't you use it? Hmm? " I looked at her with longing and quickly stood up and pressed my cock against her knee and started grinding. " y/n.. please let me touch you.. " I begged. She undid her work shirt and exposed her chest to me. I gripped one of her tits and lightly pinched her nipple. She let out a grunt and started moving her knee causing me to moan out and grind faster until I finished on to her thigh.

She chuckled at me and grabbed my shirt collar and lead me to be in-between her thighs before motioning me to kneel down. I pulled her pants off and looked at her panties. They were a normal pair of black ones but they were hers. I pressed my nose into her crotch and breathed in before pushing them aside and exposing her beautiful (insert skin color) cunt. I let out a hot breath on to it before licking it. I slowly moved my tongue from the bottom of her cunt to her pulsing clit. I started sucking and savouring her taste and she moaned the words I've always wanted to hear from her, " Such a good sweet boy... " She gripped my hair and pushed my head lower and I pushed my tongue into her. I got an audible reaction from this action. She moaned loudly and closed her thighs around my head and started grinding on my face. It was all so hot and arousing that I got hard again. " Mmf y/n~ " I pulled away and stood up showing her how hard I was again. " I'm hard again~ can I please put it in?~ " she looked at me and smirked. I pulled a condom out of my drawer that I had just in case this would happen and I slid it on.

I gripped her thighs and slowly inserted myself. I wanted to savour every bit of this. She was so tight and warm that I couldn't help but moan how good she felt. I started thrusting at a slow pace and she moaned softly, " Faster my..sweet boy~ " my mind went numb and I started thrusting into her like the virgin I am. The feeling of my cock inside of her beautiful pink cunt was amazing. " Y/n I'm about to cum.. " I went faster as I came closer and she loudly moaned too, " M-me too sweet boy. Go faster for mommy, make me cum all over your cock~ " when she said that it was almost like I finished on command. I slowed down after I did and pulled my now shrinking cock out of her. I pulled the condom off and threw it in the trashcan. " I love you y/n- "

" GUYS WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?? ON THE TABLE?? " Vanessa screamed at us and threw her flashlight at us.


Well I think I need to touch grass after this!!

Cya next time <3


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