Chapter 9 - The Enclosed Forest

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Once Nathalia had returned, she handed them a map. "I can't come with you on your little excursion but this will guide you," Nathalia said. "Where will we be going exactly?" Waylan said. "Aren't you trying to find the evil fairy?" Nathalia said, raising an eyebrow. "I completely forgot about that!" Nate said surprised. "I just remembered what I found out!" Waylan said "There is taking advantage of Queen Abyssal's ignorance," Waylan said intriguingly. "How did you find that out!" Annalise said overwhelmed. Nathalia said nothing and just sat there looking around as Waylan replied "From Archie Hamsley". "So it must be someone working from the inside," Nate said, connecting the dots. "You guys really should get going," Nathalia said rushing, "going where?" Waylan said again, "Oh my gosh do you not listen to anything we say" Annalise uttered. Annalise grabbed both boys' wrists and started dragging them across the freshly cut lawn. "See you soon!" Nathalia called.

The adventure had properly started, they trudged to the edge of the castle, Barry and Barney running to keep up with them because after all they only have little legs. They stopped though stopped just before the wall surrounding the castle. "We have to climb over it," Waylan said logically, "You don't say" Annalise replied, rolling her eyes. Waylan grabbed Barry under the armpits and hosted them over the wall, Nate followed with Barney and now it was their turn. Nate went up first, helped by Waylan and Annalise, and once he had successfully made it over the wall Annalise went and then Waylan climbed over the wall struggling to keep up but eventually he made it without any guards noticing so now they are properly on their journey. Barney pulled out the map from his pocket and unrolled it so all of them could see. The map was tinged with old and was written in green ink. Each little element of the town of SeaSalt Plantae was marked in glittering blue ink which was so bright it burned their eyes. "Where are we supposed to be going to find the evil fairy?" Nate said, "Hey, Barney, you know how you said to Queen Abyssal that you found out we are under attack, how did you find out?" Annalise started, "Food enters the forest," Barry said excitedly, "Ohhh". "So do you want to lead? '' Nate said, pointing his hand in front of them". Barry and Barney waddled in front of them smiling. So they continued down the water-soaked streets, with the flickering lamps, and paving stones there to trip you. The was slowly setting as they reached the outskirts of the forest. It was like there was a barrier between them and the first looming trees that stood in the soil, the leaves from inside slightly rustling from the trees. "Do we just go in?" Annalise said unsurely looking round at them. But without an answer, Barney strolled right in as if he did it every day. Barry followed him unconcerned that the sun was setting. So did they, Annalise, Waylan, and Nate followed them into the forest. It was like somebody had turned off a light as when they stepped in the atmosphere went humid, the ground felt damp and there was a rather strong smell of rotting corpses, like animal corpses. They trudged on through but when they did stop, they didn't stop because of the feeling of uncomfortableness they stopped because there was light, "Light!" Waylan shouted enthusiastically, they all shushed him, "Yes, light, as if there might be someone in here out to kill us" Annalise whispered. "I don't think there would be, we come in here every day and look we're still thriving," Barney said smiling up at them. 'Going us keep, ' Barry said, pulling at Waylan's belt loop, like a young child asking his mother for ice cream. They plowed through the fallen brambles and branches towards the source of light, until stopping before it. The light was coming from the fire. Flaming red, roaring fire. And behind the fire were two tents, just like human ones. "Somebody's here," Nate said, looking around. One big thump came from behind them as feet landed on dead leaves which crunched under the sudden weight. They all whipped around to stare at a boy. A normal-looking boy. He had short brown hair the colour chestnuts, he was tall and he had vibrant blue eyes, and he was quite strong, probably about the same age as Waylan. "What are you doing here?" The boy said aggressively, clearly judging them. "We were walking through the forest and we stumbled across your tents and fire," Barney said innocently. The boy looked down to stare at him and said to all of them "Who are you?" he said, his tone of voice only changing in the slightest. "I'm Nate, and this is Waylan, Annalise, Barry, and Barney," Nate said pointing to each of them as he said their name, "and you are," Annalise asked him, returning his judgingly passive-aggressive tone. "I'm Flynn, And this is my sister Icelynn". A girl, younger than him, jumped down from the tree above him. She looked exactly like him, with the same chestnut brown hair and icy blue eyes, but she was paler and slimmer than he was. The girl, Icelynn, smiled at them holding out her hand, Annalise took it and shook it, smiling back at her. Icelynn didn't say anything, just stood next to her brother like a dog with their owner. There was a moment of awkward silence until Icelynn broke it, speaking for the first time she said, "Would you guys like to sit down?" Her voice was soft and sweet, but there was a frost that illuminated her, matching her name. Flynn walked towards the fire, and out of thin air, an axe and logs of would appeared. He didn't chop the logs though he instructed an invisible being to lift the axe and cut it into a seat shaped and comfortable to sit on. Waylan stated in awe "How did you do that?" He spluttered, eyes wide with curiosity. "It's just a gift I've been blessed with," Flynn replied, shrugging. They all sat down around the fire, warming their hands up because now the night chill was resting over them, forming goosebumps on their skin. "How old are you?" Nate asked, " 16" Flynn replied staring into the fire's soul. 

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