Chapter 10 - The revealing of the past

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After that, they continued to say, "So do all of the people who live here have powers?" Waylan asked, looking down at his palms as if fire would suddenly just shoot out. "Most of them do" Flynn replied, "But they develop it when they are around 6" Icelynn added. Waylan turned to Barney and Barry and asked "Do you have powers?", "I do but Barry..." Barney said looking at his twin pityingly, Barry looked down sadly, avoiding waylans eyes. "You are so insensitive," Annalise said frowning, "How was I supposed to know?" Waylan said defensively, "Will you guys just stop for a second?" Nate said annoyed. Barney showed them the power by producing a fresh bunch of carrots out of thin air. They looked like they had just come out of a movie and they were perfectly shaped and the most perfect paprika colour. They all stared at the carrots, while Barney smiled awkwardly. They all went around in a circle showing off their powers. After Barney's clever trick in producing carrots out of thin air, Flynn's talented trick on chopping wood and using weapons without holding them, and finally Icelynn's competent trick in creating an icy shield which was glowing like a mini dome, and could protect anything behind it, and she could also freeze things which were generally really impressive. Once it got late and they had finished talking and eating the cooked vegetables Barney created, they decided they should get some sleep for their early adventure tomorrow. "You can share a tent with me," Icelynn said to Annalise, "Thank you," Annalise said grinning. "Yeah, likewise," Flynn said to Waylan and Nate, "It might be a bit squashed but it's for one night," Flynn said shrugging, "You're welcome too as well," Flynn said nodding to Barney and Barry, "Shelter vegetables create we you thank," Barry said jumping up, "still not used to that" Flynn muttered to Waylan who was next to him, "me neither" Waylan agreed. They all got up and departed to their separate tents, unzipping and rezipping the entrance and exit flaps.

In the boy's tent, they used extra blankets and jackets Flynn had to create beds. They slid underneath the jackets and lay there in silence for a while.

In the girls' tent, they did the same using her spare jumpers for Annalise to sleep on. They lay there chatting about everything under the sun, books, family, hobbies, school, and life stories.

"How was your life before all of this?" Nate said, staring up at the dark green cotton fabric which was slightly stained with mud on the roof of the tent. "It was great, I had so many friends, I played sports and I went to a special school to practice my powers," Flynn said longingly, "that sounds nice," Waylan said. "I had a younger brother called Will, and again I loved playing sports as well but I also loved maths and playing pranks on my teachers, I went to a normal school, and my parents were great," Waylan said, turning his head to look at Flynn. "I had an older brother, Charlie, and a younger sister, and I liked sports as well but I spent most of my time surfing with my brother, but my parents were divorced so I traveled back and forth from their houses," Nate said, adding to their conversation.

Annalise yawned, resting her hands on her stomach. She said curiously "Do you like your life here?", "Y'a when my parents were around, I was a generally quiet person, but I love art and reading but now my life is following Flynn around" Icelynn replied sadly, "so do you not have a say in what you do?" Annalise said, "I mean Flynn is the oldest so I kinda just do whatever he wants to do because I feel bad that he now has to be responsible for me" Icelynn replied. "What about your life, what was it like?" Icelynn said on a happier note. There was a moment of silence as Annalise was thinking, "It was something, my mother died and my younger sister died when I was 4, and so it was just my father, my 2 older brothers, Gabriel and Raphael" Annalise finally said into the silence which waited for a response, "I'm so sorry" Icelynn said, "what type of things did you like to do?". "I liked painting, sewing, and writing stories, I'd always write one for my dad's birthday, '' Annalise said, and after that, they both fell asleep as they were so tired. 

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