7. The Irresistible Pull of Gravity

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*Author's Note: This work is a 13 chapter novella, best started at the beginning. Rated Mature.

Curves, parabola, oscillations, ellipses...working near Ray in the lab, Egon's eyes can not stop secretly calculating the geometry of his colleague's body. Convex swells and concave curves. Why is Ray so beautiful to him? What about Ray's mass pulls Egon into irresistible orbit?

“It must be the increase in proximity,” Egon thinks to himself.

He's known Ray for almost half his life and has never been quite so twitterpated around him.

Lately, working with Ray this close by is having a significant effect on his ability to focus. Always a master of mental control, Egon is not used to being so distractable. It's even more unusual to find he wants to be distracted. That he looks forward to it and longs for it when Ray is absent. Most unprecedented.

Egon doesn't often contemplate bodies. He barely thinks of his own body, has difficulty caring for it and feeding it. Would rather not have one at all on most days. Until now, if he could choose to be a brain in a jar, he would have. But now, his long limbs feel magnetized, electrified. He wants to press his own angles and planes into Ray's axis. He wants to add and subtract, to multiply and divide. He wants Ray to pull him down like gravity.

Instead, he does what he always does. Egon gets back to work.
*Egon's Notebook:
Subject rolled up sleeves to elbow. Caused noted increase in Observer's heart rate at sight of forearms. Salivation. Restlessness in legs and hands. Swelling in genitals. Desire to make contact.

Get it together, Spengler. The data is pointing to a major paranormal event on the horizon.
Dr. Egon Spengler is a man of Science. He puts his faith in equations and logic. He understands the laws of physics and the chemistry of the nervous system. He thinks of romantic love as a sort of pheromone induced hallucination that other people have but not him. Never having felt it, he has not believed in Love. Until now.

Ray however is a man of Belief. He believes in Spirits, Magic, Destiny and Soul Mates. He believes in Love. He is interested in human beings and how they interact with each other. He wants to talk about Death and Love and Ancient Religions with anyone who will listen to his passionate monologues. He doesn't really understand why anyone would want to waste time talking about anything else. But for all his research into the great mysteries of the human heart, Ray has never once fallen in Real Love. Until now.

Sure, Ray'd had Suzie, his high school girlfriend. They'd dated for two years and they'd liked each other a lot, but they'd never messed around much, claiming a belief in premarital chastity. In reality, neither one of them was particularly prudish or religious, it was just that Ray found make outs a little gross and embarrassing. As a couple, they were more likely to play tennis than neck. Suzie did not seem to mind. Having someone to attend movies and prep school dances with was nice but Ray's heart wasn't really broken when Suzie dumped him. She hadn't wanted to continue their relationship long distance when Ray received early admission to University. She remains his longest term relationship, two decades later.

Today, Suzie goes by Suzanne. She lives upstate with another woman, a realtor named Alicia. They rescue horses. Ray hears they are very happy and he wishes Suzanne the best, but whenever he thinks of her and Alicia's life together, he feels a pang of jealousy he can't quite explain. He tries not to think of them often. There are a lot of things Ray tries not to think about these days.

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