12. Fogging Up the Windows of The Ecto1

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Author's Note: this chapter sorta stands alone as a sweet, smutty one off, but this work is a 13 chapter novella, best enjoyed from the beginning.

Chapter Content Warning: smutty smut smut. I already told y'all the last chapters are just fun love scenes.

*several nights later, Ghostbusters sleeping quarters*

"Do you have 11 protons?" Egon whispers to Ray.

"What? Why?" Ray whispers back.

"Because you're sodium cute," Egon says. Ray groans quietly at the terrible pun. Egon wants to kiss him. He's too far away in the next bed over.

"Shut up," Venkman says loudly from his own bed on the other side. "I'm still awake, you two love birds."

Egon sits up and leans over, whispers into Ray's ear, "I have an idea. Let's go downstairs."

"Genius," Ray whispers back.

They sneak out of the shared sleeping quarters. Egon leads Ray all the way downstairs to the garage. It's dimly lit by just a work light on the tool bench. It's chilly in there. The big garage door doesn't hold the heat in well. The concrete floor is cool under their socked feet. It feels childishly playful and sneaky to be creeping around down here late at night. Like hide and seek. Egon opens the back seat door to the parked Ecto 1 and gestures for Ray to climb in.

"Oh, Egon, how romantic," Ray laughs, but he crouches and moves into the backseat of their car eagerly.

Finding time and places to be alone has been a problem. The Ghostbusters have been getting calls day and night since Gozer. They're the most popular men in New York for the moment. The Mayor even wants to give them a key to the city in a big ceremony next Saturday. Recapturing the specters and poltergeists that escaped the containment unit when Peck shut it down has been a 25 hour a day job. Their bedroom is almost always occupied by someone trying to grab some sleep.

Despite the heavy work load, Ray and Egon have made out on almost every uncomfortable surface in the firehouse over the last couple days. It has been delightful, titillating, but ultimately unsatisfying. The shower was so nice, but they can't use it when the other guys are around. No lock on that door. Besides, Egon doesn't always have the sensory tolerance to get wet and steamy. He'd rather be dry and steamy. The slate top lab table was too cold and hard. Egon hadn't minded in the moment, but his rusty bones felt it afterward. The lounge sofa is far too public for any clothing removal. Everyone passes through there at all hours of day and night. And it's far too short for Egon to lay down on fully. It's a bit narrow for two large men to lay together on, as well, even if they take the pillows off the back. They've made do. The bench backseat of the Ecto isn't much longer but at least there is a door to close.

Egon climbs in behind him and closes the door. For a second they're just sitting on the seat side by side, grinning at each other. Then Egon is on him.

Ray could live in Egon's mouth, he thinks. His lips are soft but firm and his tongue is curious and probing. Ray tilts his head to get the angle right, chases Egon's tongue with his, and god, it is so good.

Their relationship feels at once, both completely familiar and safe, yet also entirely, exciting and new. They feel like they've invented kissing. Like they need to practice this new thing as often as possible. Every time they brush past each other in the lab these days, or look across a table at the other one, sparks fly between them like they're electrodes on a Tesla coil. Ray has a near constant erection and has to step away to hide in a bathroom stall or supply closet to relieve himself at least once a day or he can't concentrate to get any work done.

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