13. Get A Room

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*NOTE: this work is a 13 chapter novella, best read from the beginning. Rated Mature for explicit sexual content, horror elements, adult themes, smoking, alcohol use, and gay ghostbusting shenanigans. Thanks for reading, Stantz x Spengler fans!*

Chapter Content Warning: graphic sexual content between consenting science husbands. This chapter is my favorite. ♥️

* Three weeks later *

"My favorite thing about you is your asteroid," Egon tells Ray, passing him in the lab.

"Spengler, what?" Ray looks up from his soldering.

"I love that you're a little meteor." Egon smirks, pats him on the ass.

Ray throws a work glove at him.

Winston clears his throat and rustles his newspaper to remind everyone he's still there. Venkman is, too. All four of them are in residence, a rare thing during this past busy month.

"Awww, get a room, you two," Venkman tells them, only half snarkily. "Take a day off. Take some petty cash and get out of here. Go on, you've earned it."

Egon and Ray do not have to be told twice. After some hurried packing and preparation, they go find a room.

They can't take Ecto1 in case a call comes in. There's a hotel within walking distance but it's a shitty one. They have to hail a cab to get to a nicer neighborhood. On the way over, Egon can't even look at Ray next to him, blushing and breathless on the backseat. It's more than Egon can handle, he wants him too much. Can't wait to get him alone in a room, under him, in a real bed.

At the hotel, the second the elevator doors close, Ray pushes Egon into the wall, presses the front of his big soft, muscular body into Egon's hard planes, pins him and kisses him fiercely. His tongue is in Egon's mouth all the way to the ninth floor. The doors ding open and they pull apart. A scandalized older couple who were waiting to travel down to the lobby "ha-rumph" at them but they don't care in the slightest.

While Ray gets the hotel key in the door, Egon comes up behind him and presses his erection into Ray's welcoming, warm backside. Ray presses back and moans softly. At the sound of it, at the feel of him, Egon's heart feels like it will gallop up his throat and out of his chest. Ray can not get the door open fast enough.

Inside now, finally, finally alone. Finally privacy. They've been trying so hard not to spend all their time touching each other, wanting to so badly.

Janine busted them in the supply closet a few days ago. She'd caught Ray trying to climb fully inside Egon's lab coat, mouth latched onto the side of his neck. Egon's hand down the front of Ray's khakis.

"Oh, I see," she'd said, as they jumped apart. Her bright eyes taking in Egon's mussed hair, untucked shirt and Ray's panting, flustered self. She did indeed see. With a smirk, she looked at them over the rim of her glasses, "Dr. Spengler, Dr. Stantz, can someone pass me the paper towels? Some people have to get work done around here."

Egon froze, still and stiff as a wooden statue. Ray passed her a roll, grinning bashfully.

"Lucky you," Janine said to Ray, and closed the door, leaving them to it.

The week before, Venkman had had to tell them they needed to cool it because he was having trouble tuning them out when they got like this. But it was so hard, literally and figuratively, to finally figure out you were in love with your best friend and then not take them to bed every time you wanted to.

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