10. Steamy Shower Scene

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Author's Note: this work is a 14 chapter novella, best read from the beginning. Rated Mature.

CHAPTER CONTENT WARNING: adult content, very. This and the last 3 chapters are just nerd smut with feelings. You're welcome.

Also, Autistic meltdown, with comfort.

The shower in the old firehouse is huge. A dozen men could shower together here, and probably did long ago. Washing away scorch marks and ash. Ray wonders if any of them longed for each other, if any of the long forgotten firemen were secretly dying to touch each other, stole sideways glances here in this shower, felt the way Ray feels, ached the way he has been aching for Egon.

Egon turns on all the shower heads and the tiled room is filling with steam. Ray pulls his t-shirt over his head and drops his boxer shorts. He won't even bother to wash them. They're too far gone. He tosses them in the trash. Egon is out of uniform now, in the blue button down shirt he wears most weekdays, and a pair of cotton underpants. Ray steps up to him and starts unbuttoning Egon's shirt. The combination of adrenaline hangover and the way Egon is looking at his naked body makes Ray very clumsy. The buttons are taking far too long. After the top two are open, Egon just pulls the whole shirt off over his head. Ray's fingers are in the waistband of Egon's underwear now, sliding them down over his narrow hips and long legs, letting them fall to the ground. Egon steps out of them and leads Ray into the spray. Ray watches Egon's back muscles and shoulder blades, his small high backside, follows him closely.

The business of scrubbing away the Gozer goop takes precedence for the moment. The hot water feels amazing on their sore muscles and bruises. They each soap as much marshmallow and slime away as they can.

"You missed some. May I?" Egon points to a spot behind Ray's ear. He reaches shampoo lathered hands to Ray's hair, digs his long, nimble fingers into Ray's scalp, scrubs away the sticky tangles.

"Oh," says Ray for the millionth time tonight, but not the last.

He can't believe Egon is caring for him in this way. He can't believe anything that's happened in the last few days.

"Let me do yours," Ray says, lathering his own hands and reaching up to run them through Egon's thick waves. It's curling in the steam because it's gotten longer than usual. They haven't had time to get haircuts in ages. They've all been working so hard.

As his fingers work lather through Egon's thick hair, massaging his scalp and finger combing away the gunk, Egon reaches for Ray's hips and pulls him to his body. Egon's cock eagerly bounces between them and when Ray's cock brushes against it, it makes them both gasp and press together tighter. They're belly to warm slick belly now, chests together, hips and thighs pressed together. Ray's hands slide soapily down Egon's back. Egon glides his knee between Ray's knees, presses his long, corded thigh between Ray's more generously rounded thighs. There is much delicious kissing. Egon bends his knees a little so that everywhere is delightfully lined up. Their hips pump and their erections rub over each other in the hot soapy shower water. Ray straddles Egon's thigh while his hands glide down from the small of Egon's back to cup the tender globes of his skinny ass. Egon's penis jumps, and he makes a sound Ray has never heard him make before, a sound which might have been funny under other circumstances as it is so unlike his buttoned-up lab partner's usual reserve. Ray wants to hear him make it again. There is so much Ray wants from this man and he's overwhelmed at the reality that he might get to have it.

The hot water running over his body, the white noise of the shower, Egon's tongue in his mouth, hands gripping his hips so tightly, the feel of Egon's ass beneath his hands, the pressure and slide against his dick. Ray's senses overflow with desire.

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