Chapter 7 - Family

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Author's Note: I hope you enjoy the end of this story! There WILL be a sequel someday... :) 

WARNING: aftermath of torture

~ Rivana Rita

Crosshair is curled up in Wrecker's lap like an oversized tooka when Hunter finds them. Tech and Omega are sitting nearby, though he's fairly certain they all know he's awake. Crosshair's sleeping though, head resting on his twin's shoulder.

Hunter smiles faintly when he sees them, easing himself into the chair he normally sits in. Moving is still hard. He's still sore and achy everywhere. He's tired, but at least it doesn't hurt quite as much as it did.

"Hunter!" Omega perks up the moment she spots him, running over to him and flinging her arms around his waist.

He pats her shoulder a little awkwardly. "I'm okay," he promises. He looks up at his brothers again. He needs to talk to them about... about everything. If the Inquisitors are gone, and Crosshair's here, settling down is actually something they can talk about. They might need more credits, but they can... they won't have to worry about him being after them.

"What do we do now?" Wrecker inquires.

"I'd say it's best if we keep out of the Empire's eye for a little while," Hunter replies, "After – after what happened, we need some time to recover. I think... we could use a break from fighting."

Wrecker nods, holding Crosshair close.

"We still do not have the means with which to disappear," Tech points out.

Hunter sighs. That's the only problem. "We're together, though," he reminds – Crosshair's heartbeat is lifting, vague bits of consciousness slipping into his presence. He's waking. That's not a conversation Hunter's ready for. "Whatever happens, we don't need the Empire on our tail again."

"We can tell Cid," Omega pipes up, "I'm sure she'll understand."

Hunter isn't nearly so hopeful, but yeah. They have to explain it to her, because after his capture, they can't... be so reckless anymore. He can't let Wrecker or Tech go through what he and Crosshair did, and he doesn't want to get them even higher than they already must be on the Empire's priority list. "As soon as we get back," he agrees.

Crosshair's definitely awake now, and Hunter hesitantly stands, moving closer to him. His little brother pointedly turns his head away.

"It's okay," he tries soothingly, "We're here. You're safe." Crosshair had tried to – Hunter doesn't have the sense to think about that at all right now. It will never get any easier though. Crosshair was trying to kill himself, too. He said it clearly enough, that he wanted to die, that he was scared enough he didn't even care.

"They'll come for me," he answers dully, almost lifeless, though too tired to fight.

"We won't let them have you," Hunter promises. Crosshair shifts a hand a little closer to him, and Hunter takes it in both of his, squeezing it gently.

Crosshair finally turns to look at him, his eyes still a dull gold. Wrecker squeezes him again, arm locked around his waist. They're pressed together tightly enough that Hunter doesn't think it could be comfortable, but if they are twins, it's hard to say what they define as such.

"What happened?" Hunter asks, "If you don't mind talking about it?"

"The Empire doesn't tolerate failure," Crosshair says, like that actually answers something. Omega approaches them, and Hunter can feel worry pouring off her, even without looking.

"What changed?" Hunter queries, "Was it Kamino?" That was when Crosshair had changed. He doesn't answer, though. Hunter can feel how depressed he is, though. He's still hurt, and he feels empty. Dark. "Crosshair, please, tell us what you're thinking."

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