The Successor

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Storybook opens: Once upon a time, there was a girl who made a wish upon a star to save her kingdom from an unfair king. This tale may sound familiar, you may even know how it ends. But here is the thing about endings, they can become the beginnings of new tales. And this is where our tale begins...

Many years have passed since Star returned to the sky. Sabino has passed away, but his legacy lives on in a new, beautiful song he wrote, that will forever echo in the streets of Rosas.

Queen Amaya tirelessly seeks to make up for her ex-husband's wrongdoings, but she yearns for a dream of her own.

Asha, blessed with a magic wand from Star, became a fairy godmother, offering hope to those who believed their dreams were out of reach; something the former king would never have done. By uplifting those with ambitious dreams, the kingdom had transformed into a place that some might say was "ahead of its time." 

On this very day, our fairy godmother meets with her friends in the castle, unaware that the queen is about to present her with an offer that will change her life forever...

Asha and Valentino entered the kitchen where all of their friends were waiting. After greeting each other, they sat down to discuss their day. Amaya came through the doorway that connected to the rest of the castle.

"Hi everyone. Is Asha here?" Queen Amaya asked.

"Just arrived, Your Highness," replied Asha.

"Can we talk?" said Queen Amaya.

"Of course, Your Majesty," Asha turns to face her friends, "Go ahead and start without me. I'll join you soon,"

"Alright then," Dahlia responded. She had a feeling something good was about to happen. She couldn't wait to hear back.

As Queen Amaya and Asha walk up the castle's spiral staircase, they begin to converse.

"What is it, Your Highness?" Asha asked in a curious tone.

"Asha, I think we have worked long enough together for you to call me Amaya," the queen remarked humorously. Asha chuckled.

"Fair enough", she replied. Over the years Queen Amaya became like an older sister, maybe even like a second mother to Asha. And like Asha's father Tomás, and grandfather Sabino, she continues to share great wisdom with the now-young adult Asha. 

"I don't know how to say this, so I'll just start from the beginning," Amaya continued. Asha could tell the queen had something on her mind, something significant.

"When Magnifico and I founded Rosas, we shared a dream of building a place where wishes could come true. As you know, that dream lost all its meaning." Amaya explained. 

"But a better dream took its place, right? A dream shared by all of us: Rosas, a place where one can follow their dreams, by simply holding their wish close to their heart." Asha proudly proclaimed. That response was just the thing Amaya wanted to hear.

"That is why I wanted to talk to you. As queen, I must help my people discover themselves so they can find their dreams." Amaya turns her gaze to Asha and continues, "But I wish to find a dream of my own. I don't know what it is yet. All I know is that it is not here," She looks to the horizon through the castle windows, pressing her hand against the glass. "It's out there." Asha caught on to what she was getting at.

"You're looking for a successor." she realized. Amaya sighed in relief.

"Asha, I have something really important to ask you. You don't need to have an answer now, but I want you to consider it. My new dream may be somewhere beyond that horizon, but your dream has always been to help others and stand up to injustice." said Amaya with sincerity. "Asha, will you be my successor?" she finally asks.

Asha gasped silently, her hands over her mouth, not knowing what to say. There was a sense of nervousness but also excitement building up in her as she thought about the opportunities she could bring to Rosas.

"I would be honored, " she says with a hint of anxiety. Shifting her tone back to one of content, she quickly adds, "Like you said, I'm going to need some time to decide. Being a fairy godmother is a lot of work. But it is worth it."

Amaya smiled and placed her hand on Asha's shoulder. "Of course. Take your time. I don't intend to step down until a few months." To this response, Asha sighs in relief.

"I need to tell my friends about this!" Asha said excitedly. She started jogging down the stairs back toward the kitchen.

"Guys, Amaya wants me to be her successor!" Asha said excitedly.

"Really?", asked Valentino, wagging his tail quickly. Dahlia was behind the counter, her head jerked up hearing the news. She knew it had to be something good.

"Yes!" Asha quickly replied, "I am, however, a little unsure." she added with a nervous tone.

"You're a natural Asha, it was inevitable that she would want you to take her place" replied Gabo.

"Inevitable?" Asha questioned.

"You're sweet, and caring, and you stand up for others" Bazeema commented.

"It must be a lot to process. Sleep on it. Maybe you will know in the morning." Simon recommended. Asha smiled, she had a sense of relief knowing her friends had her back.

"This is great and all, but get them while they are hot everyone!" Dahlia playfully interjected as she set down a tray of cookies on the counter.

"Dahlia your cookies are to die for", complemented Asha.

"Oh, I know" Dahlia responded in a cocky tone, to which everyone shared a laugh.

As Asha and Valentino begin walking home, deep in the dungeon the mirror containing the former king starts to glow green. 

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