The Fairy Godmother

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Everyone has gathered in the castle courtyard. They question why Magnifico has ceased his attack. Flying out of the main entrance to the castle is Earendel carrying Asha. He sets her down carefully. Somewhere in the crowd, Sakina cuts through to see what has happened.

"Asha!" Sakina shouts as she runs to the castle doors.

"Mom?" Asha utters, shivering from the cold fear. Sakina notices her bright green eyes and hugs her tightly.

"Earendel, what happened?" she asked fearfully.

"Magnifico cursed her," he said in a worried tone.

"Mom, I have failed Rosas. Magnifico has won," Asha cries.

"No, don't you say that! If Magnifico has won, then why are we all still here?" Sakina affirms. To this, Asha carefully starts trying to stand up to see the large crowd of people gathered in the courtyard.

"You remember what I told you about the philosopher? What he said?" Earendel asks Asha while placing his hand on her shoulder.

"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them," she responds holding onto his hand. "But I don't have courage, I'm too scared," she adds fearfully.

"You don't have to be fearless to have courage," Dahlia says as she walks up to the grand entrance. "Most of us wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. But you were there for us. Our fairy godmother, a guardian angel, was there to give us a chance at our dreams." 

Hearing this, Earendel suddenly has a revelation. 

"It's you!" he said excitedly

"What is?" Asha asks.

"I'll explain later, now's not the time," he replied excitedly.

Dahlia turns to Asha and tells her,

"Look to the stars who are like us. See their courage in the face of fear."

Motivated by the courage of the people, seeing their hearts glow once again, Asha's heart starts glowing. She closes her eyes and starts feeling a soothing warmth flow through her body. She lets go of the Earendel's cloak she is wrapped in.  As it falls from her, Earendel uses his magic to make it fly back onto himself.

Unbeknownst to her, Asha's back also begins to glow. And when she opens her eyes, they are their natural brown tint. The curse has been cleansed.

"Thank you, all of you," Asha said with gratitude. She quickly took note of their faces. Everyone looked speechless. "Uh, why are you all looking at me like that?" Just as she is saying this, Amaya comes out of the entrance to the castle, holding a piece of paper in her hand, and is amazed at what she sees.

"Asha, look behind you!" Amaya shouts excitedly.

Turning her head she gasps in amazement seeing what she has created, a pair of fairy wings. Her eyes are filled with wonder, admiring the translucent wings that have manifested onto her back. The iridescent glow and sparkling pattern was one of the most beautiful things she has ever seen.

Note: Her reaction is like Tinkerbell's when she sees her wings sparkle for the first time when crossing the winter border

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Note: Her reaction is like Tinkerbell's when she sees her wings sparkle for the first time when crossing the winter border.  Refer to the clip I recorded below.

Asha looks to the top of the castle where Magnifico waits.

"I think you'll need this" Earendel says, handing Asha her wand.

"Thank you," Asha replies, kissing him on the cheek. She turns her head back to the top of the tower and flies up to confront Magnifico. She stumbles a little on the way up as she adjusts to her new wings but quickly recovers, continuing the climb. When she reaches the top, Magnifico begins to gloat.

"Well, this looks familiar. You and me on the top of the castle, everyone else in the courtyard below watching. Feels like deja vu doesn't it?" Magnifico remarks sarcastically. Asha gives him the silent treatment. Magnifico then notices the obvious, "Wait, you have wings?" Magnifico questioned.

"Like you care," responded Asha.

"You're right, I don't," he remarked in a sarcastic tone.

"Let's end this," Asha demanded.

Magnifico spreads his dragon wings, leaps from the roof of the castle, and gives chase. Back on the ground, Earendel notices Amaya at the door.

"Queen Amaya, did you have any luck finding a spell that could help?" asked Earendel as he jogged to the front castle doors where Amaya stood. Amaya hands him a piece of paper depicting a magic wand tapping a sword.

"Oh yeah, Asha pointed this out earlier while we were looking through Magnifico's spellbooks," he recalled.

"This spell is capable of slaying a dragon. It involves a spell cast on a sword that is then thrown into the dragon's chest," Amaya explained while gesturing the motion of throwing a sword.

"Got it," he turns to face Simon who is among the front of the crowd. "Simon, give me your sword," Earendel instructed. Simon nods. Understanding what he had in mind, he held his sword horizontally, presenting it to Earendel. He takes it and flies up to join Asha.

In the skies above Rosas, a dogfight ensues between Asha and Magnifico. Now and then, Magnifico would bite or shoot a fireball at Asha. Asha would either evade or cast a shield in front of herself. When she had the chance, she would shoot a bolt of energy from her wand at Magnifico.

"Asha!" Earendel shouts, flying toward her. Magnifico turns around to attack. Earendel dodges him and manages to slash at his tail with Simon's sword. Magnifico grunts out of pain as he speeds past him. Looking back toward Asha, he shouts, "Take this!" He throws her the sword, which she catches. "Use that sword spell you found!" Asha nods, understanding the plan. Asha recites the incantation and the sword's blade shines bright silver.

"Sword of truth, fly swift and sure, that evil die and good endure!"

As the dragon chases Earendel back in Asha's direction, Earendel drops out of the way and Asha hurls the sword into the dragon's chest. Magnifico cries out in pain and takes one last bite at Asha before falling from the great height. Right before Magnifico hits the ground, he fades into a green fog. All that remains is the sword used to slay him, which has landed in the ground.

Looking down, Asha notices everyone has made their way there, and Simon has reclaimed his sword. Looking back up, she sees Earendel flying toward her. Getting closer, she extends her arms and embraces him as he flies into her arms. They spin and laugh midair from the impact.

"You did it!" Earendel exclaimed.

"No, we did it!" Asha responded. 

Asha and Earendel descend to the ground where everyone is cheering, applauding, and embracing, as the dark clouds fade from the sky.

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