Season 3 Chapter 25: Bruises and scars

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*On the past chapter*

A fight between MMG (Miranda Murder Gang) and Akuzoku Syndicate happened in an open area with 1 man shot and 2 men beaten up and those men are Frey, Shin, Benson.

*Back to the story*

Benson: Hahaha! I thought I could destroy them by myself.

Frey: Ugh *just woke up from getting anesthesia because of an operation getting the bullet in his legs*

Benson: Yo you're awake.

Frey: What happened?

Krypto: *yawns* Oh hey y'all awake.

Frey: Oh hey there Krypto.

Benson: Yo Krypto.

*Someone entered the room in the hospital*

Krypto: Zenkey! *Does her fighting stance*

Zenkey: Calm down I'm here to check.

Krypto: I'm not so sure if I want you here.

Zenkey: Don't worry I'll leave as soon as possible.

Krypto: Leave now!

Zenkey: Okay then. Be careful going home later. *winks*

Krypto: Tsk.

*Zenkey left*

*The sun has almost gone down*

Krypto: Yo Benson I'll be back tomorrow I have to go.

Benson: Sure.

*Krypto goes to ride her big bike and stay on the side of the river to rest*

*2 motors arrived at where Krypto is*

Zenkey: *licks his lips*

Glad: Yo boss should I attack her now?

Zenkey: No no just wait for her to do her move.

Glad: Okay.

Krypto: You again, and you even bring a rat.

Glad: Did she just call me rat?! Oh you're dead!!!

Krypto: Oh yea?

*Glad rushed to tackle Krypto*

*Krypto dodge him*

Krypto: So slow. Very slow.

Glad: Oh no you haven't dodged me yet!

*Glad throws Krypto a heavy and fast kick*

*Krypto managed to hold his foot*

Krypto: Night night.

*Krypto repeatedly hit Glad's foot with her elbow*

Glad: HELL!!!

Zenkey: Lol. *Throws a big stone on Krypto*

*Krypto got hit in the head and falls down to the ground*

Glad: Nice hit!

*Krypto closed her eyes and heard a motor came*

*Krypto woke up from her sleep and saw Zenkey, Glad and their other 12 fighters laying in the ground*

Frans: I'm Frans Le Francisco. Thank me later.

*Frans left riding his motor*

Krypto: W-what just happened.

*Krypto goes to her apartment*

*Meanwhile the Akuzoku Syndicate*

Kris: Lol, this is your first time getting hit Leo isn't it?

Leo: Yea.

Kris: How'd it taste? hahahaha!

Leo: Shut up.

Kris: Oh sorry sorry.

Charleston: Yo Xhan come here.

Xhan: Dad?

Charleston: Go outside and beat up every Miranda's Gang member.

Xhan: Okay dad.

*Xhan left the mansion to beat up some Miranda's Gang members*

Xhan: Everyone! Let's split up.

Everyone: Sir yes sir!

*The group of Akuzoku Syndicate devided into 3 and Xhan is in the group 2*

Xhan: There's some in there. Come on.

Miranda's gang members: The devil Xhan! Everyone run for your lives!

*Some members managed to run but some got beaten by Xhan*

Xhan: Piece of trash.

*Xhan's phone rings*

Group 3: Yo sir were getting destroyed by someone.

Xhan: Who?!

Group 3: They're from Miranda!

*The call got cut*

Xhan: Everyone! We're heading to the group 3's position!

*Cars left and go to the group 3's position*

Xhan: There they are!

*Benson shouting from afar*

Xhan: Oh I already know who it is.

Xhan: Hey you rhino!

Benson: Huh?! Did you call me rhino?!

*The group 1 also arrived at the place*

Frey: There are many Benson can we really take them on?

Benson: No one can beat us up don't worry.

Xhan: So this is the left and right hand of Miranda Murder Gang.

Benson: Die Xhan.

*Frey tackled Xhan to the ground very hard Xhan hit his head on the ground*

*Benson repeatedly punches Xhan in his face*

Frey: Is he moving?

Benson: Not anymore.

Frey: Let's leave him like that.

Benson: Alright.

Akuzoku's Members: Take sir Xhan and let's all leave!

*They all left like nothing happened*

*They take Xhan to the hospital*

(To be continued)

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