Chapter 3 - Please

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As I make my way downstairs I notice my dad stood in the kitchen.

"Hey pup you're just in time," my dad says and he motions to the table.
"This looks great," I say as I sit down to eat.
"You seem happy this morning," he points out.
"Ron said I could stay at his for a bit," I tell my dad and his face immediately changes to an expression that tells me he doesn't think it's a good idea.
"I don't know if you should go pup," he tells me which is almost word for word what I predicted he would say.
"Please dad," I say hoping to convince him.
"I don't know him or his parents," my dad explains his reasoning.
"How about you come with me and you can meet them, and if you don't like them we will come straight home," I offer.
"Okay pup," he says conceding to my logic.
"Yay," I shout, "thank you, thank you, thank you."

After I finish my breakfast I run upstairs to write a letter to Ron explaining I'll be bringing my dad along with me too to meet his parents. I tell Nova where it needs to go and start thinking about what I need to take with me. But the thought hits me how are we going to get there?

"Dad?" I say as I sit next to him on the sofa whilst he is.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"How on earth are we going to get to the Weasleys?"
"I imagine by floo," he says casually like I know what he's on about.
"What's that?"
"I forget you don't really know anything about the wizarding world," he says jokingly.
"And who's fault is that?" I say annoyed.
"Look pup I'm sorry," he says realising that he shouldn't have joked about it.
"Why did you never tell me about all this?"
"Because as I mentioned before, when you were born we were told you were going to be a squib, and then things happened and it ended up being just me and you, I have never been able to find work amoungst wizards and so I decided to pretend that we were muggles," he explains.
"So you were planning on hiding the truth forever?"
"I never really thought about it like that," he tells me, he seems sad but thoughtful as if talking about things brought up even more distant memories.
"I'm sorry for getting mad," I tell him, "can you explain the floo thing?"
"Ah yes, floo powder, basically you stand in the fire place, say where you want to go, throw the powder on the flow and then you'll be transported."
"How do you know they will have one," I ask.
"Most wizarding families do in their houses," he explains.

After he finishes talking I notice Nova at the lounge window, I go over to it and let her in. I commend her for being clever enough to choose a different window and take the letter that is in her claws away. I read the letter and it's Ron giving me the details for me to go over. I'm honestly excited.

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