Chapter 5 - Play

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Things are very different at the burrow than they are at home, there's only me and my dad at home whereas there are nine Weasleys. I was put in Ginny's room being the only girls, I was nervous at first but we got on right away. I get into the swing of how things run at the Weasleys and I really enjoy myself. Arthur constantly quizzes me about Muggle things as he has deemed me an expert after growing up in the Muggle world. I find it highly interest how much interest he has in such mundane things such as rubber duck, yes that's right, rubber ducks. Ron, Fred and George and I take some brooms and go out side, Fred and George use their own and Ron and I borrow a couple that were just lying around. We play a little two versus two quidditch game, the twins offered to go on separate teams to make it fair (they are the beaters for the gryffindor team). I realise that them forgetting I am the Slytherin seeker is a massive benefit to my team. I end up with Fred on my team and we agree for him to go on the defensive. We play and it doesn't take me long to realise how out of practice Ron is, he's the only one of us not on a house team. I'm pleased when we win and it comes as a shock to the twins when they realise how much I did.

"How are you so good for a newbie?" George asks.
"I'm not a newbie, I'm the Slytherin seeker," I tell them and realisation appears on their faces.

Ron starts laughing as his be there grow increasingly more embarrassed.

"How did we forget that?" They both say in unison.
"I don't know but I think it's really funny," Ron tells them.
"Sorry Skyla," they both say in unison again.
"It's alright," I tell them, "just call me sky by the way."

We all go back inside to join the others.

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