Chapter 10 - Letters

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During breakfast Errol (the Weasley family owl) came and delivered all of our mail. We all got our Hogwarts letters with our respective lists of books for the next year. Erol had brought me an extra letter which I am opening now.

Dear Skyla,
I just wanted to send you a quick letter,
Your cousin has gotten a place as trainee auror,
I'm not sure if that's the actual title,
I hope you're having a good holiday,
I spoke to your dad,
He said you're not at home at the moment so I'll send your birthday presents to the burrow,
I hope to see you soon,
I suggest you send an owl to Pinky she'll be pleased to hear from you,
Lots of love,
Aunt Andy.

I finish reading the letter from my Aunt and I write a quick reply to her before I write a letter to congratulate Pinky on her job.

"Hey Sky what you doing?" Harry asks as he comes and stands behind me.
"I'm just writing a letter to Pinky, she's managed to get what you would call an apprenticeship to become an Auror," I tell him.
"They are basically wizard police, best of the best witches and wizards trained to capture dark wizards," I explain to him.
"How do you know so much?"
"Pinky wouldn't shut up about it once I found out about the wizarding world, it's been her dream for years."
"It sounds great to be honest, maybe it's something I should try and pursue," he says whilst thinking.
"Obviously I want you to achieve your dreams Harry but first of all, we're second years it's a long way off and secondly, no offence, your grades aren't amazing you'll have to pull your pants up to be in with a shot."
"That was the most caring insult I've ever heard, but surely they'll want me I'm the boy who lived," he says arguing his side.
"Sorry Harry but they don't care about that, Pinky went through the application process in excruciating detail with me and they do not care what so ever who you are or where you come from," Harry looks mildly disappointed when I say that.
"I guess I'm going to have to try harder then," he says.
"I guess"

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