Chapter 6 - Thinking

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"Sky can I talk to you a sec?" Ron asks as we step inside.
"Sure what's up?" I ask.
"I'm worried about Harry," he tells me, "He has not been replying to any of my letters."

At that point I feel guilty, I had assumed he was ignoring me the whole summer.

"He hasn't been replying to you either?" I ask.

Ron shakes his head and I realise we need to do something.

"We need to rescue him Ron," I tell him
"That's exactly what I was wanting to talk to you about," he tells me.
"What's the plan?" I ask him.
"I haven't got that far, just I think Fred and George would be helpful," he explains.

I decide that we should go and join the others to eat then pull the twins over and talk to them in private. Ron and I sit with the others and dig into the meal. I swear that every meal I have here is better than the last. We spend a short while chatting and eating our food before we leave the table, I try to help by offering to do the dishes but Molly refuses and shows me the enchanted cleaning equipment in the sink. I am amazed by all the random little bits of magic dotted around the house, it's very different to my own.

Ron and I manage to pull the twins aside to talk to them. We explain what we think is happening and discuss how to rescue him from the Dursleys. We decide that when night time comes we are going to steal their dad's car and get Harry from that hell hole.

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