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All she can do is try and block out the shouts, comments and name calling the people she had once thought of as friends and family. She is being led down the dirt road leading to and from the village, hands tightly bound behind her back and on more than one occasion, a rock have hit her back. The first time it happened, she had lifted her head to see who had thrown it, her eyes landing on the two neighbour kids who is the sole reason as to why this is all happening to her in the first place.

She had known she was an outcast within this village, too smart for her own good is something she have been telling herself, knowing more than the rest of the ladies. She has been doing everything within her capacity to keep to herself as much as possible, to live a life where she wouldn't be looked down upon, or as it had turned out, given a sentence for something they do not know about.

And being led out of the village were just another point, they couldn't burn something as evil as her in the middle of square. Not that anything would happen, they call her a witch; someone that has feasted at the Devil's table and the only way to save her soul and their own, burn her alive.

She's not the first woman to get this sentence, and from the sound of things right now, she won't be the last either.


One of the larger men calls out, pushing her with a stick. With a deep breath, she keeps moving. Lifting her head, eyes landing on the burning pile, she feels dread sip into her body. When she first learned she were about to be burned alive, she had just laughed it off, now as she is about to face her death, the laughter is gone.

The men who have been leading her to her death pushes her up the small stares and towards the large pole. As they make sure she is properly tie it, she makes sure to keep her head held high. Looking out over the sea of people, she makes sure to keep any emotions from her face, she wouldn't be giving this people the satisfaction of seeing what they are doing to her. But when she sees how one of them turns and leave, she can feel how her heart breaks. She had thought that if anyone would stand with her, if anyone would even try to keep fighting for her, it would have been him. This just proves she have been putting her trust in the wrong's hands, a lesson she now wishes she had learned earlier and not when she's about to be killed.

As the shouts of burn the witch grows stronger, she closes her eyes as fire starts to grow around her. With one final pray, she hopes that she somehow can get out of this, if not in this world, then in the afterlife, that these people's thoughts of her isn't what she will be judge by.

"I can offer you something much better."

At the voice echoing in her head, her eyes snap open, the flames reaching her hight by now, but there is no pain or heat. Which should make her worry.

"All you must do is accept me as your God and I'll release you from this fiery pit. They turned you into a witch, how about showing them what happens when they burn one."

Watching through the fire, seeing the happiness of the people who had been her friends and family, her eyes turn hard, and a laughter starts to grow. If it's only in her head or she is letting it out, she is not sure, but it empowers her.

"I will follow your guidance my lord Remis!"

It was the last words she was able to speak as the fire at last grabs hold of her, a dark smoke lifts to the sky as the village people's voices dies down. 

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